Apple Health client eligibility data dashboard

The Apple Health client eligibility dashboard helps you explore changes and shifts in our Medicaid population over time. This and other HCA dashboards promote more open data by informing the public and stakeholders about Washington state individuals and families who depend on Apple Health for their healthcare coverage.

Find information on Apple Health (Medicaid) client eligibility.


The client eligibility dashboard is an interactive tool that helps answer questions about eligibility. The data is for the most recent three-year period and is updated on a monthly basis. Over time, the dashboard may evolve to include more data sources, measures, and views.

How to use the dashboard

There are three tabs in the dashboard:

  • Client eligibility dashboard
  • Client eligibility map
  • About

To move between each tab, click the tab name on the top left.

Client eligibility dashboard

The dashboard shows:

  • The number of Apple Health clients living in the state of Washington.
  • A rolling three-year trend line.
  • The percent change in eligibility for that timeline.
  • A variety of demographics.

Can I filter the dashboard?

Yes. You can filter by calendar month/year, Apple Health program, Medicare, fee-for-service/managed care plan, county, plan, age group, ethnicity, gender, and race. 

To filter the dashboard data:

  1. Select or deselect options from the dropdown menus on the left, or
  2. Click groups within the graphs and charts underneath the % Change chart.

To clear the fields and start over, click the Revert icon (left arrow + "Revert") on the top left.

Client eligibility map

The map represents counts of eligible clients and their county of residence by month and year.


The About tab provides information about the data sources, display settings, privacy and protection, system requirements, and the different versions of the dashboard.


Email: HCA Data