Breast MRI

Breast cancer is the second most common malignancy affecting women, and is an important public health concern. Patients identified as having a possible abnormality on screening mammography or physical examination or who are at high risk may undergo additional tests, including imaging, and physical examination. Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is being investigated as an adjunct to mammography for screening of high-risk women since its accuracy is not affected by breast density, it does not use radiation, and it has high sensitivity.

Status: Decision completed

Why is breast MRI being reviewed?

Concern about safety, cost, and efficacy regarding the use of MRI to screen women at high risk for breast cancer, with the goal of providing early diagnosis and reducing the mortality rate associated with breast cancer.

Primary criteria ranking

  • Safety = Low
  • Efficacy = Medium
  • Cost = High


Assessment timeline

  • Draft report published: June 25, 2010
    • Public comment period: June 25 to July 16, 2010
  • Final report published: July 21, 2010 
  • HTCC public meeting: August 20, 2010