Pharmacogenetic testing for patients being treated with oral anticoagulants

Anticoagulant drugs, commonly known as blood thinners, are used for patients with conditions such as atrial fibrillation, deep venous thrombosis, or orthopedic surgery to prevent stroke, pulmonary embolism, or other complications from having a blood clot. Genetic variations are known to change patient response to various medications, and efforts to personalize therapy according to genetic differences have gained momentum. This report will examine the clinical usefulness of genetic tests to guide initiation or dosage adjustments for oral anticoagulant drugs.

Status: Decision completed

Why is pharmacogenetic testing being reviewed?

There are a growing number of genetic tests and panels of genetic tests designed to inform decisions on the selection and dosage of oral anticoagulant medications. Potential benefits of these tests are more appropriate treatment decisions and better patient outcomes, including avoiding treatment related side effects.

Primary criteria ranking

  • Safety = Low
  • Efficacy = High
  • Cost = Medium/ High


Assessment timeline 

  • Draft key questions published: January 8, 2018
    • Public comment period: January 8 to January 22, 2018
  • Final key questions published: January 31, 2018
  • Draft report published: March 9, 2018
    • Public comment period: March 9 to April 9, 2018
  • Final report published: April 18, 2018
  • HTCC public meeting: May 18, 2018