Public comment period for WA-APCD data requests

Through 5 p.m. June 6, the Health Care Authority is seeking public comment for two recent data requests.

Under WAC 182-70-230, the lead organization must establish a transparent process for the review of data requests, which includes a process for public review for specific requests.

Health care access and utilization among patients with violence-related Injury in Washington State and impact on outcomes

  • Data requestor: University of Washington (UW), Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, UW Medicine
  • Data type: Protected health information (PHI)
  • Public comment schedule: May 22 through June 6


Violence, usually related to gun or firearm use, is a frequent cause of traumatic injury with significant mortality and morbidity. Although there are numerous fatalities due to gun violence, the major of those who have gun or violence-related injury survive their initial but require extensive medical care. Very little is known about survivors of violence and their use of healthcare, especially in the outpatient setting, despite the long-term effects of violence-related injury. Based on previous work, we believe that there are disparities in access and utilization of healthcare services among patients with violence-related injury compared those with other traumatic injuries. We propose to evaluate the relationships between access to care, medical outcomes and complications, and regional characteristics of patients in this population. We will identify patients with acute traumatic injury from the Harborview Trauma Registry and evaluate their (1) access to medical care and rehabilitative services during the first year after injury and (2) medical complications and repeat hospitalization using information from medical records review and the Washington State All Payer Database. The results of this study will help researchers, hospitals, and patients understand healthcare utilization patterns and predictors and determine the relationship between appropriate outpatient standard of care after traumatic injury and risk for subsequent hospitalization. This research will help Washington State providers understand the healthcare utilization of high-risk groups and determine options to optimized care and outcomes.

This request is for receipt of the following PHI data elements: member city, member ZIP, member coverage start and end date, service date, admission and discharge date, injury date, benefits exhausted date, date prescription filled. Study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the University of Washington Internal Review Board and is currently under final evaluation by the WA-APCD program. The results from this data request will be in the form of published manuscripts, published in academic journals or for presentations at academic conferences. Intended end-user audiences include medical providers who work with traumatic injury and researchers and the general public, to be provided with reports with general summary information on healthcare utilization by those with traumatic injury.

Comparing utilization, outcomes, and choice between VHA and non-VHA health care systems

  • Data requestor: Boston University, Partnered Evidence-based Policy Resource Center
  • Data type: Protected health information (PHI)
  • Public comment schedule: May 22 through June 6


The overall goal of this research is to compare VHA and non-VHA health care systems and the choice of veterans to rely on VHA or non-VHA systems for their services. Using data from the VHA and Washington’s all-payer claims data (not linked), the project will compare various parts of VHA and non-VHA systems, such as ICU, primary care, mental health, and specialty care services. The project will assess differences in utilization patterns and outcomes. The project will also assess various policy and operational changes that occurred in the VHA recently that might have affected access to care and the care itself delivered to patients.

This request is for receipt of the following PHI data elements: member City and Zip code, member coverage start and end dates, dates of service, first and last paid dates, admission date and discharge date. Study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the Boston University and is currently under final evaluation by the WA-APCD program. The findings from the research, will be disseminated and made public through peer-reviewed academic publications, policy briefs, and presentations at national conferences. The findings will be aggregated and de-identified. The proposed audience for this research includes health policy analysts and other researchers, state and federal policymakers, health insurers, providers, and patients.

How to submit your comments

Submit your comments by emailing

About the public comment process

Public comment is open to anyone who would like to share feedback. We encourage health care and social service providers, managed care organizations, hospitals and health systems, medical associations, Tribes, Accountable Communities of Health, and the public to provide input.

The public comment process for APCD data requests must include the ability for the public to comment on requests that include the release of protected health information or proprietary financial information or both.

The time frame for public comment should not be less than fourteen calendar days. The lead organization must post the final decision for the request within seven days after the decision is made.