Prenatal, child, and young adult behavioral health services
Behavioral health (mental health, substance use disorder (SUD), and problem gambling) services are available to children, youth, and young people from birth through age 25 and their families. This page will help you learn how to pay for and get services. Youth ages 13 and older can get behavioral health services without prior consent from a parent, guardian, or a family member.
On this page
Looking for resources to support your family through substance use challenges? Discover the Substance Use Disorder Family Education & Curriculum Training and gain the skills you need.
How do I find services for a child or young person?
- Contact Washington's Mental Health Referral Service for Children and Teens. This service is available to all Washington families with children age 17 and younger whether they are enrolled in Apple Health or not. This free, telephone-based referral service connects children and teens with evidence-supported outpatient mental health services in their community.
- Families can call 1-833-303-5437, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time, to connect with a referral specialist.
- Visit The Center of Parent Excellence (COPE) Project to find support.
- Call your insurance provider using the phone number on the back of your insurance card.
- Enroll in Washington Apple Health (Medicaid).
- Learn more about Medicaid-funded school-based health care services and supports.
- Support services for youth and young adults: Fentanyl and Opioids
How much do services cost?
There is no cost for services provided to families enrolled in Apple Health. Reduced fees are available for eligible families enrolled in a Washington health plan.
Other health plans offer different premiums and fees for services. Some services at community agencies are provided on a sliding-fee scale.
Private health insurance plans are managed by the Office of Insurance Commissioner. Please contact their office for questions or concerns. Online and printed telephone directories have lists of counselors and behavioral health agencies in the counseling section or community services pages.
Mental health toolkit
Our health is deeply influenced by our connections with our community. The places with live, work, learn and gather all play a crucial role in shaping our mental well-being. During this year's Mental Health Month, HCA encourages individuals to Build Bridges, Create Connections, as we explore parts of our community and its effect on our mental health and well-being. This toolkit offers practical resources to support your mental health and that of your community.
Mental health toolkit
Learn more about prenatal, child, and young adult services
Explore the following resources for behavioral health services in Washington State.
- Services and programs
View the P-25 Behavioral Health program/services quick reference guide.
- Children's Long-term Mental Health Inpatient Program
- First Episode Psychosis Program and Early Psychosis Initiative
- System of care (SOC) grant
- Family initiated treatment (FIT)
- Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)
- Youth substance use services
- Healthy Transitions grant
- Family Youth System partner round tables
- Washington State Children's Behavioral Health Statewide Family Network
- Statewide Youth Leadership Network
- Residential Crisis Stabilization Program (beginning 2024)
- Fentanyl and opioids
- Reimagining access, co-designing treatment policy with youth and their communities
- Implementation projects
Program or service Resources Behavioral Health Respite Children in Crisis (SS HB 1580) Children's Long-term Inpatient Program (CLIP) ECHO START training Education for discharge planners for safe and stable housing for youth and young adults Family Initiated Treatment (FIT) Family Substance Use Disorder education and curriculum and Substance Use Disorder Family Navigator program First Episode Psychosis - New Journeys expansion Gray's Harbor family preservation substance use disorder residential care for families
(The definition of family preservation is being developed and subject to change)
Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Partial Hospitalization (PHP) program for children and youth pilots to Medicaid access Mental Health Assessment for Young Children (MHAYC) Neurodevelopmental Behavioral Treatment Center (NBTC), formerly Habilitative Mental Health (HMH) program Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) rate increase Pregnant and Parenting Individuals and Parent Child Assistance Program expansion Prenatal substance exposure (HB1168)
Prenatal substance exposure (SB 1587)
- Implementation presentation - Prenatal substance exposure (HB1168)
- Implementation presentation - Prenatal substance exposure (SB 1587)
Parent Portal, BH360 Kids Mental Health WA, formerly Regional youth behavioral health navigators Rapid housing response time for youth and young adults Residential Crisis Stabilization Program (RCSP) The Bridge WISe specialty teams Youth mobile response stabilization services (MRSS) 988 and WA crisis response rollout - Collaborations, round tables, and workgroups
Collaborations, round tables, and work groups provide guidance, direction, and oversight.
- Family Youth and System Partner Round Tables (FYSPRTs)
- Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group (CYBHWG)
- Family Peer Network: Washington State Community Connectors
Involving families and support persons to improve engagement and retention: A learning collaborative using the NIATx process improvement model
This learning collaborative will be provided to four SUD agencies in Washington state to provide their leadership with the skills to lead change initiatives using NIATx process improvement tools with a specific focus on increasing family engagement and involvement in treatment services.
Provider and network needs in response to youth SUD residential closures
Informational sessions were held in June, July and August 2023 in response to youth substance use disorder (SUD) residential closures, and to hear provider impacts and needs.
- June, 2023
- July, 2023
- August, 2023
- Recommendations in response to identified needs from listening sessions
No shame in your brain campaign
HCA launched a new mental health promotion campaign entitled "No Shame in Your Brain" directed towards youth ages 13-18. The campaign promotes easy-to-access resources by text or phone for youth who want to connect and talk with someone. The campaign focuses on socializing mental health as a positive concept and celebrates the unique qualities of teens.
You can learn more about the campaign by reading the no shame in your brain toolkit.
Medicaid school-based behavioral health services and billing toolkit
The Medicaid school-based behavioral health services and billing toolkit is a resource intended for school districts and educational service districts. The toolkit includes information about:
- Different Medicaid funding options available to local education agencies.
- Information on how to become licensed as a behavioral health agency (BHA) with the Department of Health.
- Examples of Medicaid-covered behavioral health services, behavioral health resources and supports for schools.
- Best practices for working with and contracting with the Medicaid managed care organizations in order to receive Medicaid reimbursement for behavioral health services provided to K-12 students.