Washington State Common Measure Set

The Washington State Common Measure Set provides the foundation for health care accountability and measuring performance.

Learn more about the Washington State Common Measure Set and PMCC!

What is the Washington State Common Measure Set?

It provides the foundation for health care accountability and measuring performance. The development and ongoing evolution and implementation of a set of measures is not only mandated from House Bill 2572 (2013-14), but necessary to ensuring our ability to measure progress toward achieving healthier outcomes for all residents in Washington.

Who developed it?

The Performance Measures Coordinating Committee (PMCC), with the support of ad-hoc technical work groups, approved a "starter set" of measures in December 2014 that are intended to evolve over time as the science of measurement and state priorities change. The committee will continue to meet to consider recommendations for evolving the measure set.

Upcoming meetings

Date, time, and location Materials

Date: Monday, December 9
Time: 1 - 3 p.m.