Family initiated treatment (FIT)

Family-Initiated Treatment (FIT) gives parents and guardians a way to help their youth access behavioral health services. If a provider has the skills and capacity, they may offer treatment, even if the youth refuses care. However, providers can only admit a youth if treatment is medically necessary. Learn more in RCW 71.34,600.

Note: Each provider follows their own process for evaluations and admissions.

Families can take training to learn more about FIT and how to navigate the system.

How FIT helps youth

FIT allows families or guardians to request behavioral health services (mental health or substance use treatment) if they believe their youth needs help. FIT providers work to engage youth, showing them the benefits of treatment and encourage their consent.

Who can use FIT

Parents, as defined in RCW 71.34.020, can request assessment for their youth (ages 13-17). Youth can also request their own treatment through Adolescent Initiated Treatment (AIT).

What FIT does

  • Gives parents, guardians, and youth a way to access behavioral health treatment.
  • Provides an options to access medically necessary outpatient, inpatient, and residential treatment, with regular reviews.
  • Helps providers meet youth where they are and engage them in treatment.

What FIT does not do

  • Does not guarantee immediate access to treatment.
  • Cannot continue treatment beyond medical necessity.
  • Does not override federal substance use disorder laws.
  • Intake and assessment processes vary by provider.

Types of FIT treatment services

Parents and guardians can request a mental health evaluation or substance use disorder assessment to determine if their youth needs inpatient or outpatient care. A professional will assess the youth and recommend the appropriate level of care. Learn more in the Parent's guide to FIT.

Outpatient treatment

If a professional determines it is medically necessary, the youth can access outpatient services through FIT.

Inpatient treatment

If inpatient treatment is medically necessary, parents or guardians can request that their youth be admitted. However, they can request their child’s release from an inpatient facility at any time.

Residential treatment

If a youth is admitted to a residential facility and a court has not ordered their release, they can stay as long as treatment remains medically necessary. See RCW 71.34.630(2) for details.

Adolescent initiated treatment (AIT)

Youth ages 13-17 can seek outpatient or inpatient behavioral health treatment without parental consent (RCW 71.34.500 – 530). If they meet the medical necessity criteria, they can consent to their own care.

  • Youth under 13 need parental or guardian consent.
  • Youth receiving AIT services can leave treatment at any time.

FIT and consent

Under FIT, parents or guardians can consent to treatment for their youth, even if the youth does not agree. However, treatment can only begin if it is medically necessary. FIT creates and additional pathway, but it does not guarantee immediate care. Each provider has its own admission process.

Learn about behavioral health treatment options (updated July 2023).

Disclosure and confidentiality

Youth should feel safe sharing private information with their providers. Mental health providers can share some treatment details with families if they believe it will help the youth’s recovery. This applies to treatment received through FIT.

Read the mental health service disclosure guide to learn what information can be shared (updated September, 2022).

Page last updated: March, 2025


Email: FIT program staff

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