How do I enroll?
Whether you’re newly eligible or enrolling after deferring coverage, the most important thing you need to do is use Benefits 24/7 or submit the Retiree Election Form (form A) — along with any other required forms and documents based on your situation — by the required deadline. Once you have submitted your enrollment materials we will notify you of next steps.
On this page
About to retire? There is a limited time to enroll.
If you are about to retire, in most cases, you have 60 days after your current coverage ends to submit an enrollment form to the PEBB Program showing that you want to enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage.
"Current coverage" includes:
- Employer-paid coverage (for example, a state agency or public school)
- COBRA coverage
- Continuation coverage
Understand the deadlines
The deadlines listed on this page indicate when the PEBB Program must receive all required forms and supporting documentation. This is not a postmark date. If we do not receive your materials by the required deadline, you may lose your opportunity to enroll.
Things you must do and their deadlines
First, you must submit your enrollment request through Benefits 24/7 or return the Retiree Election Form (form A) to the PEBB Program. After that, what you do depends on your situation.
- For eligible retiring or separating employees
What do I do?
Use Benefits 24/7 to enroll or you can submit the following materials to the PEBB Program:
- Retiree Election Form (form A)
- Any other required forms or documents, based on your situation
- Your first premium payment, including applicable premium surcharges back to the date your other coverage ended (by check or pension deduction)
Eligible for Medicare? If you or a dependent are eligible for Medicare, the eligible person must enroll (and stay enrolled) in Medicare Part A and Part B.
By when?
Forms and documentation: No later than 60 days after your employer-paid, COBRA, or continuation coverage ends.
First premium payment: No later than 45 days after the 60-day period described above ends. You will not be enrolled until we receive payment.
If you select a Medicare Advantage with Part D plan or UMP Classic Medicare with Part D, enrollment cannot be retroactive. We encourage you to submit Form A (or use Benefits 24/7) so we receive it no later than the last day of the month in which your employer-paid, COBRA, or continuation coverage ends. Otherwise, you and your dependents will be enrolled in another medical plan during the gap months between when your other coverage ends and the selected Medicare plan begins.
When does coverage begin?
If you are eligible to enroll and we receive your documents and payment by the deadlines, your coverage will begin the first day of the month after your employer-paid, COBRA, or continuation coverage ends.
- For elected or full-time appointed officials leaving public office
What do I do?
Use Benefits 24/7 to enroll or you can submit the following materials to the PEBB Program:
- Retiree Election Form (form A)
- Any other required forms or documents, based on your situation
- Your first premium payment, including applicable premium surcharges back to the date your other coverage ended (by check or pension deduction)
Eligible for Medicare? If you or a dependent are eligible for Medicare, the eligible person must enroll (and stay enrolled) in Medicare Part A and Part B.
By when?
Forms and documentation: No later than 60 days after you leave public office.
First premium payment: No later than 45 days after the 60-day period described above ends. You will not be enrolled until we receive payment.
If you select a Medicare Advantage with Part D plan or UMP Classic Medicare with Part D, enrollment cannot be retroactive. We encourage you to submit Form A (or use Benefits 24/7) so we receive it either:
- Before you leave public office, or
- No later than the last day of the month in which your PEBB coverage ends.
Otherwise, you and your dependents will be enrolled in another medical plan during the months between when your other coverage ends and the Medicare plan begins.
When does coverage begin?
If you are eligible to enroll and we receive your documents and payment by the deadlines, your coverage will begin the first day of the month after you leave public office.
- For surviving dependents
If you are a survivor, or a dependent becoming eligible as a survivor, and are ready to enroll, visit Enroll as a survivor.
If you have questions about eligibility, visit Are my survivors eligible?
- For employees eligible for disability retirement
You must be approved by the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) or the appropriate higher-education authority for disability retirement before you enroll.
What do I do?
Use Benefits 24/7 to enroll or you can submit the following materials to the PEBB Program:
- Retiree Election Form (form A). Include on your form if you want coverage to begin starting from your retirement date or the first of the month after the date your formal determination letter was written.
- A copy of the formal determination letter received from DRS or the appropriate higher-education authority.
- Any other required forms or documents, based on your situation
- Your first premium payment, including applicable premium surcharges back to the date your other coverage ended (by check or pension deduction)
Eligible for Medicare? If you or a dependent are eligible for Medicare, the eligible person must enroll (and stay enrolled) in Medicare Part A and Part B.
By when?
Forms and documentation: No later than 60 days after the date on the Washington State-sponsored retirement systems formal determination letter.
First premium payment: No later than 45 days after the 60-day period described above ends. You will not be enrolled until we receive payment.
If you select a Medicare Advantage with Part D plan or UMP Classic Medicare with Part D, enrollment cannot be retroactive. If Form A is received after the date PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, you and your dependents will be enrolled in another medical plan during the gap months prior to when the Medicare plan begins.
When does coverage begin?
If you are eligible to enroll and we receive your documents and payment by the deadlines, your coverage will begin as you request on your enrollment form. Either:
- Your disability retirement date, or
- The first day of the month after the date the formal determination letter was written.
Criteria you must meet
This is the criteria you must meet to be eligible to enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage in addition to the PEBB Program receiving your form by the required deadline.
- You must be a vested member and meet the eligibility criteria to retire from a Washington State-sponsored retirement plan when your employer-paid, COBRA, or continuation coverage ends
Washington State-sponsored retirement plans include:
- Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) 1, 2, or 3
- Public Safety Employees' Retirement System (PSERS) 2
- Teachers Retirement System (TRS) 1, 2, or 3
- Washington Higher Education Retirement Plan (HERP) (for example, TIAA-CREF)
- School Employees' Retirement System (SERS) 2 and 3
- Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' Retirement System (LEOFF) 1 or 2
- Washington State Patrol Retirement System (WSPRS) 1 or 2
- State Judges/Judicial Retirement System
- Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employees' Retirement System (for Washington State University Extension employees covered under PEBB benefits at the time of retirement).
Different rules apply if you are an elected or full-time appointed official or an employee of an employer group that does not participate in a Washington State-sponsored retirement plan. (Refer to Related laws and rules.)
- You must immediately begin to receive a monthly retirement plan payment no later than the first month following your employer-paid, COBRA, or continuation coverage ending, unless one of the following exceptions apply
- If you receive a lump sum payment, you are only eligible for PEBB retiree insurance coverage if DRS offered you the choice between a lump sum actuarially equivalent payment and an ongoing payment.
- If you are retiring or separating under PERS Plan 2, TRS Plan 2, or SERS Plan 2, and you separated from employment on or after January 1, 2024, and you are at least age 55 and have at least 20 years of service.
- If you are retiring or separating under PERS Plan 3, TRS Plan 3, or SERS Plan 3, and you are at least age 55 and have at least 10 years of service.
- If you are an employee retiring under a Washington State Higher Education Retirement Plan (such as TIAA) and meet your plan's retirement eligibility criteria or you are at least age 55 with 10 years of state service.
- If you are a retiring employee from a PEBB employer group who is eligible to retire under a retirement plan sponsored by an employer group or tribal government, and your employer does not participate in a Washington State-sponsored retirement plan. However, you must meet the same age and years of service requirements as if they had been employed as a member of PERS Plan 1 (if your date of hire with your employer group or tribal government was before October 1, 1977) or Plan 2 (if your date of hire with your employer group or tribal government was on or after October 1, 1977).
- If you are a retiring school employee from a SEBB employer group who is eligible to retire under a retirement plan sponsored by an employer group and your employer does not participate in a Washington State-sponsored retirement plan. However, you must meet the same age and years of service requirement as members of TRS Plan 1 (if your date of hire with your employer group was before October 1, 1977) or Plan 2 (if your date of hire was on or after October 1, 1977).
- If you are an elected or a full-time appointed official of the legislative or executive branch of state government, or a surviving dependent of such an official, you do not have to meet the age and years of service requirements or receive a monthly retirement plan payment from a Washington State-sponsored retirement plan.
- If you are a survivor of an emergency service person killed in the line of duty, or a surviving dependent who loses eligibility because of the death of an eligible retiree, you do not have to meet the age and years of service requirements or receive a monthly retirement plan payment from a Washington State-sponsored retirement plan.
Find your forms
You can use Benefits 24/7 to enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage. If you prefer a paper form, find the forms you need below.
The forms are labeled with letters in the upper right corner to help you identify them. You will often need to submit more than one form. Whether you are enrolling in coverage for the first time or after deferring coverage, the most important form you must complete and submit is Retiree Election Form (form A).
Depending on which plan you choose, you may need one or more of these retiree forms:
- Form A – For enrolling in coverage when first eligible
- Form B – For enrolling in Premera Blue Cross Medicare Supplement Plan G
- I need Form A to enroll in...
For the following medical plans, you need the Retiree Election Form (form A).
- Kaiser Permanente NW: Classic, CDHP, or Senior Advantage with Part D
- Kaiser Permanente WA: Classic, CDHP, SoundChoice, Value, or Medicare Advantage with Part D
- Uniform Medical Plan (UMP): Classic, Select, CDHP, or Classic Medicare with Part D
- UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (PSHVN) or UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (ACN)
- UnitedHealthcare: PEBB Balance or PEBB Complete
- I need both Forms A and B to enroll in...
For Premera Blue Cross Medicare Supplement Plan G, you need both Retiree Election Form (form A) and Premera Medicare Supplement Plan G Enrollment Form (form B).
Additional forms and documentation
Depending on your situation, you may need to submit additional forms or documentation.
To enroll a dependent
You need to submit documents that prove your dependent's eligibility (unless you are enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B). You may also need to submit additional forms for certain dependents.
Visit Verify and enroll dependents to view a list of valid verification documents based on the type of dependent (i.e., spouse, child, etc.).
If you or your dependents are enrolled in Medicare
You will need to submit photocopies of Medicare cards for you or any covered dependents. Write your full name and the last four digits of your Social Security number on the copy.
Submit your materials
Reminder: The PEBB Program must receive your forms, documentation, and payment by the enrollment period deadlines.
- Where do I submit my materials?
Forms and documentation
Submit your forms and documentation using one of the following methods.
Submit your forms through HCA Support. Attach them to a secure message. Be sure to sign them (typed signatures are not allowed).
To keep your personal information secure, you will need to register for an account (if you don't already have one) to submit your materials using this method.
By mail
Washington State Health Care Authority
PEBB Program
PO Box 42684
Olympia, WA 98504-2684By fax
First payment and premium surcharges
If you're sending payment with your forms, enclose your check or money order payable to Health Care Authority and mail to:
Washington State Health Care Authority
PO Box 42691
Olympia, WA 98504-2691 - How do I pay my premiums?
You have three options to pay for coverage, which are described on Form A:
- Pension deduction
- Monthly invoice
- Electronic Debit Service (EDS)
For details on payment options, visit Paying for benefits.
- What happens after I submit?
After you submit your enrollment materials, we will process them and send you a letter notifying you of next steps.
Your employer is responsible for cancelling your employee coverage. In some cases, we cannot enroll you in PEBB retiree insurance coverage until this occurs.
Related laws and rules
Washington Administrative Codes (WACs) are the official rules used for PEBB Program eligibility and enrollment.
- For retiring employees
- WAC 182-12-171: When is a retiring employee or a retiring school employee eligible to enroll in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage?
- WAC 182-12-211: May an employee or a school employee who is determined to be retroactively eligible for disability retirement enroll or defer enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage?
- For elected or full-time appointed officials
- WAC 182-12-180: When is an elected and full-time appointed official of the legislative and executive branch of state government, or their survivor eligible to continue enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage?