Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs)

What's an ACH?

ACHs are independent, regional organizations. They work with their communities on specific health care and social needs-related projects and activities. ACHs play an integral role in Washington’s Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP) efforts. Although MTP is Medicaid-focused, ACHs are working in many ways to improve the health of their communities as a whole.

Read the ACH report to the Legislature.

Where did ACHs come from?

ACHs were designed to be a neutral convener, coordinating body, investor, and connection point between the health care delivery system and local communities. The ACH network was formally created in 2015, with funding through a State Innovation Models Round 2 test grant and supportive state legislation in the 2014 session.

Washington's nine ACHs are:

Each ACH serves a specific region of the state. Although each ACH is unique, they share a common approach to improving the health of their communities and changing health care delivery.

What are the ACHs' goals?

ACHs promote health equity and address and coordinate around social determinants of health. They also respond to regional needs and issues, including COVID-19 response and coordination. ACHs, in partnership with health care providers, local health jurisdictions, community-based organizations, and many others, are working to:

  • Align resources and activities that improve whole-person health and wellness by bringing people and organizations together across sectors for discussion, training, and strategic planning.
  • Support efforts that improve the Medicaid health care delivery system, such as workforce development and value-based purchasing.
  • Support the integration of physical and behavioral health care, known as managed care.
  • Connect people to care and help coordinate care between providers and organizations.
  • Address the opioid use public health crisis.
  • Invest in community infrastructure, like electronic health records.


Email: MTP team