Uniform Medical Plan (UMP)

Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) is a self-insured health plan offered through the Washington State Health Care Authority’s (HCA) Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. UMP is administered by Regence BlueShield and Washington ArrayRx.

The PEB Board and SEB Board's role in UMP

UMP is offered through the PEBB Program and the SEBB Program.

The PEB Board and SEB Board approve the plans that provide health benefits, including those UMP offers. They also set eligibility requirements and approve premiums for medical, dental, and vision (SEBB only) plans.

This means all UMP prescription drugs, services, or other benefit changes may require approval by the PEB Board and SEB Board.

How to participate in UMP

UMP is available only to people eligible for coverage through the PEBB Program and the SEBB Program.

Visit the Employee and retiree benefits section for more information about UMP, how to enroll, and how much you will pay for monthly premiums.

UMP offers four plans for PEBB Program members and four plans for SEBB Program members. To learn more about these plans visit the PEBB plan overview or SEBB plan overview webpages. Read the UMP certificates of coverage for detailed benefit information, including descriptions about what UMP covers and how much subscribers pay for different services.

To compare up to three plans at a time, use the PEBB medical benefit comparison tool or the SEBB medical benefit comparison tool.