Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR)

In 2022, Governor Inslee directed government agencies to implement Executive Order 22-04: Implementing the Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Plan & Playbook. The Washington State Office of Equity supports this work.

Want to learn more about PEAR?

About PEAR

The purpose of PEAR is to foster an environment that creates belonging and establishes a pro-equity and anti-racist culture for Health Care Authority (HCA) employees and the people we work with and serve.

PEAR is part of HCA’s health equity work, which is a core value of our agency. To HCA, health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.


Groups that support PEAR


HCA’s PEAR Team began meeting in June 2022. This group is made up of representatives from each division and leadership across the agency. The PEAR Team’s main charge is partnering with people and communities impacted by our programs with the goal of listening, planning, and beginning to bridge gaps and reduce disparities.

PEAR Community Advisory Team (CAT)

HCA’s PEAR CAT began meeting in August 2022. This group is made up of individuals and community-based organizations that represent many of Washington’s diverse populations and communities. PEAR Team members are also part of this group.

PEAR CAT members play a key role in informing HCA’s health equity strategies, community engagement activities, and sharing their personal/lived experiences on how HCA’s programs and services impact them and their community.

PEAR Team workstreams

PEAR Team members also serve on one of four priority health equity areas below, called PEAR workstreams or “service lines.” Workstreams began meeting in October 2022.

  • Leadership Operations and Services: we are working to advance PEAR practices and systems at all levels of state government through transparent, accountable organizational development, adaptive leadership, and change agents.
  • Data Strategy and Reporting: we are developing a data strategy and reporting process that supports Washington’s PEAR organizational development. This will help ensure we’re focusing on the areas where the needs are greatest.
  • Engagement and Community Partnerships: we are working to ensure our communities, employees, and partners collaborate to develop and inform Washington’s PEAR efforts. We are building HCA’s partnerships and resources and increased capacity to amplify community voice.
  • Workforce Equity: we are investing in a PEAR organization and culture. This means we build a racially diverse and culturally responsive pipeline for state employees at all levels. We are creating opportunities for each person to bring their full self to work and feel welcomed, supported, and valued.

More information

Visit our health equity page to learn about HCA’s other health equity efforts.
