Kaiser Permanente Northwest

Learn about the Kaiser Permanente NW Medicare Advantage plan, available in Clark and Cowlitz counties in Washington and select counties in Oregon.

On this page: Full benefits | Costs | Find providers | Plan option | About Kaiser Permanente NW
Return to Medical plans and benefits: Retirees | PEBB Continuation Coverage

Older couple hiking and taking in the view

Full benefits

The following documents—called an Evidence of Coverage (EOC)—provide in-depth descriptions of the health care benefits for each plan.




Find providers

Visit one of Kaiser Permanente NW's online provider directories.

Plan option 2025

Kaiser Permanente NW Senior Advantage with Part D

Annual costs

  • Deductible: $0
  • Medical out-of-pocket limit: $1,500

Available counties

Visit plans by county for retirees or PEBB Continuation Coverage.

This plan is available in:

Washington counties:

  • Clark
  • Cowlitz
  • Skamania
  • Wahkiakum (ZIP codes: 98612 and 98647)

Oregon counties:

  • Benton (ZIP codes: 97321, 97330, 97331, 97333, 97339, and 97370)
  • Clackamas
  • Columbia
  • Hood River
  • Lane
  • Linn (ZIP codes: 97321-22, 97335, 97355, 97358, 97360, 97374, 97383, and 97389)
  • Marion
  • Multnomah
  • Polk
  • Washington
  • Yamhill


In most cases, you must live in a medical plan’s service area to join the plan. If you move out of your plan's service area and your plan is no longer available, you must change plans. If you do not, the PEBB Program will enroll you in one. You must report your new address and any request to change plans to the PEBB Program no later than 60 days after your move.

About Kaiser Permanente NW

Kaiser Permanente is one of the nation’s largest health care providers and nonprofit health plans. Our expert and caring medical teams strive to focus on members’ total health and are dedicated to high-quality, affordable health care services.

We combine care and coverage — which makes us different. Your doctors, hospitals, pharmacy, labs, specialty care providers, virtual care providers, and health plan all work together to help make getting the right care more convenient. Your care is centered around you.

A Kaiser Permanente Medicare plan is a great way to keep the value, quality, and service you enjoy now:

  • Stay with Kaiser Permanente for your Medicare plan coverage. You won’t need to locate new facilities or transfer medical records.
  • With our plan’s high ratings for quality, service, and member satisfaction, you’ll be well cared for. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. In 2021, Kaiser Permanente NW received 5 out of 5 stars.