WAC 182-514-0263 Non-SSI-related institutional medically needy coverage for pregnant people and people age 20 and younger.
WAC 182-514-0263 Non-SSI-related institutional medically needy coverage for pregnant people and people age 20 and younger.
Effective June 26, 2022
- Medically needy (MN) coverage under this section is only available for people age 20 and younger or pregnant people. The medicaid agency determines a client who meets SSI-related criteria under WAC 182-512-0050 eligible for institutional MN coverage under WAC 182-513-1395. If a client meets requirements in both this section and WAC 182-513-1395, the client may choose which program to enroll in for coverage.
- A client whose income exceeds the categorically needy (CN) standards under WAC 182-514-0250 and 182-514-0260 is:
- Eligible for MN coverage with no spenddown if the client's countable income (CI) is equal to or less than the department-contracted daily rate times the number of days in the institution;
- Eligible for MN coverage after a spenddown under WAC 182-519-0110 is met if the client's CI is above the department-contracted daily rate times the number of days in the institution but less than the institution's private rate;
- Not eligible for payment of long-term care services provided by the institution if the person's CI exceeds the institution's private rate;
- Responsible for paying up to the monthly state rate for the facility as participation in the cost of care; and
- Allowed to keep a monthly personal needs allowance (PNA) under WAC 182-513-1105. Current PNA and long-term care standards can be found at the agency's program standard for income and resources webpage.
- If a client's CI exceeds the institution's private rate, the agency determines eligibility for medical coverage under chapter 182-519 WAC.
This is a reprint of the official rule as published by the Office of the Code Reviser. If there are previous versions of this rule, they can be found using the Legislative Search page.