Medicare Supplement Plan F

As of January 1, 2020, Premera Blue Cross Medicare Supplement Plan F does not accept new members. 

About Medicare Supplement Plan F

Medicare Supplement Plan F, administered by Premera Blue Cross, allows the use of any Medicare contracted physician or hospital nationwide. The plan is designed to supplement your Medicare coverage by reducing your out-of-pocket expenses and providing additional benefits. It pays some Medicare deductibles and coinsurances, but primarily supplements only those services covered by Medicare.

There is no prescription drug coverage with this plan so a Part D prescription drug plan is also needed unless you have other creditable drug coverage (e.g., VA benefits).

In Medicare Supplement Plan F, benefits such as vision, hearing exams, and routine physical exams may have limited coverage or may not be covered at all.

If you select Medicare Supplement Plan F, any eligible family members who are not entitled to Medicare will be enrolled in UMP Classic.

Medicare Supplement Plan F does not include prescription drug coverage. If you select this plan, you may have to enroll in Medicare Part D to get your prescriptions, unless you have other creditable prescription drug coverage.

High-deductible Plan F

The PEBB Program does not offer the high-deductible Plan F shown in the Outline of Medicare Supplement Coverage.

How do I find a provider?

Find a provider on Medicare's website. Search for a doctor or other healthcare professionals that participate in Medicare.

Is there a quick way to see benefits and costs?

Outline of coverage


Certificate of Coverage


Summaries of benefits and coverage are not available for Medicare supplement plans. For Medicare plan summaries, see the Medical Benefits Comparison Tool or the Medicare Benefits Comparison.

What are the monthly plan costs?


Do I live in the medical plan's service area?

Medicare Supplement Plan F is available in all Washington, Oregon, and Idaho counties, and nationwide.