Data dashboard documentation
This page provides links to the documentation for each of the dashboards in the Analytics, Research and Measurement (ARM) Dashboard Suite.
The dashboard documentation includes, a dashboard overview, user instructions/navigation, links to the technical specification documents, and frequently asked questions. The quality health care measures documentation provides the metric specification including the measure steward and the eligibility criteria for each measure.
- Dashboard documentation
- Healthier Washington
- Emergency Department (ED) Utilization
- Emergency Department (ED) Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
- Inpatient Facility Utilization
- Washington State Medicaid Explorer
- Maternal and Child Health (MCH)
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment (MOUD)
- Foundational Community Supports (FCS) Providers Map
- Health Home Service Providers Map
- Washington Apple Health HepC Free Treatment
- Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) Homeless Services Providers Map
- Quality health care measures
- Acute hospital utilization
- Adult access to preventive/ambulatory health services
- All-cause emergency department visits per 1,000 member months
- Antibiotic utilization for respiratory conditions
- Antidepressant medication management
- Asthma medication ratio
- Avoidance of antibiotic treatment for acute bronchitis bronchiolitis
- Breast cancer screening
- Cervical cancer screening
- Child and adolescent well care visits
- Childhood immunization status (combination 10)
- Chlamydia screening in women
- Colorectal cancer screening
- Comprehensive diabetes care: eye exam (retinal) performed
- Comprehensive diabetes care: hemoglobin A1c testing
- Contraceptive care - access to LARC
- Contraceptive care - most and moderately effective methods
- Contraceptive care - postpartum - access to LARC
- Contraceptive care - postpartum - most and moderately effective methods
- Follow-up after emergency department visit for mental illness
- Follow-up after emergency department visit for substance use
- Follow-up after hospitalization for mental illness
- Kidney health evaluation for patients with diabetes
- Mental health services rate
- Opioid use disorder treatment rate
- Patients prescribed chronic concurrent opioids and sedatives
- Patients prescribed high-dose chronic opioid therapy
- Percent arrested
- Percent homelessness (narrow definition)
- Periodontal evaluation in adults with chronic periodontitis
- Plan all-cause readmissions (30 days)
- Preventive services for children at elevated caries risk, dental, or oral health services
- Primary caries prevention intervention as offered by medical provider: topical fluoride application delivered by nondental health professional
- Statin therapy for patient with cardiovascular disease (prescribed)
- Substance use disorder treatment rate
- Timeliness of prenatal care
- Utilization of dental services
- Well-child visits in the first 30 months of life