Announcing June 20 application start date for Apple Health Expansion

Washington Apple Health coverage is expanding to adults age 19 and older with certain immigration statuses. This new program is called Apple Health Expansion. Due to a limited budget, Health Care Authority (HCA) needs to manage the number of people who can enroll into the program to ensure clients receive the highest value care possible.

Application start date

Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on June 20, HCA will accept applications for Apple Health Expansion until the enrollment cap is met. During this application period, people should complete or update their online applications.

How to apply

Applicants age 19 to 64:

  • Online: Go to
  • Phone: Call the Washington Healthplanfinder Customer Support Center at 1-855-923-4633

Applicants age 65 or older:

If an applicant already has a Washington Healthplanfinder or Washington Connection account, they will need to update their information to ensure their application will be considered.

Learn more

Visit the Apple Health Expansion client webpage to keep up to date on developments. For detailed information about the enrollment cap and clients transitioning to Apple Health Expansion, visit

Email questions to the Apple Health Expansion team.