WAC 182-513-1345 Determining disregarded income for institutional or hospice services under the medically needy (MN) program.
Effective February 20, 2017
This section describes income the agency or its designee disregards when determining a person's eligibility for institutional or hospice services under the medically needy (MN) program. Disregarded income is available when determining a person's participation in the cost of care.
- The agency or its designee disregards the following income amounts in the following order:
- Income that is not reasonably anticipated, or is received infrequently or irregularly, when such income does not exceed:
- Twenty dollars per month if unearned; or
- Ten dollars per month if earned.
- The first $20 per month of earned or unearned income, unless the sole source of income paid to a person is:
- Based on need; and
- Totally or partially funded by the federal government or a nongovernmental agency.
- For a person who is related to the supplemental security income (SSI) program under WAC 182-512-0050(1), the first $65 per month of earned income not excluded under WAC 182-513-1340, plus one-half of the remainder.
- Department of Veterans Affairs benefits designated for:
- The veteran's dependent when determining LTC eligibility for the veteran. The VA dependent allowance is considered countable income to the dependent unless it is paid due to unusual medical expenses (UME);
- Unusual medical expenses, aid and attendance allowance, special monthly compensation (SMC) and housebound allowance, with the exception under subsection (4) of this section.
- Benefits under subsection (3)(b) of this section for a person who receives long-term care services are excluded when determining eligibility, but are considered available as a third-party resource (TPR) defined under WAC 182-513-1100 when determining the amount the person contributes in the cost of care.