Apple Health (Medicaid) rulemaking

This page includes all of the current rule making activity for Washington Apple Health (Medicaid)

Rule making activities

In WAC 182-501-0070, the agency removed naturopathy from the noncovered services list.
In WAC 182-502-0002, the agency added Birth Doula as an eligible provider type. This is necessary to support a separate rulemaking filed under WSR 24-10-016, on April 19, 2024. The agency also added Behavior Health Support Specialist (BHSS) as an eligible provider type. This is necessary to support a separate rulemaking filed under WSR 24-16-024, on July 26, 2024.
As a result of a recent Office of Financial Management (OFM) directive, the Health Care Authority (HCA) is pausing implementation of coverage for adult chiropractic and acupuncture services planned for 1/1/2025.
The following proposed rule sections filed under WSR 24-19-096 will not be adopted at this time:
182-502-0003 Noneligible provider types
182-531-0150 Noncovered physician-related and health care professional services- General and administrative
182-556-0200 Chiropractic services
182-556-0250 Acupuncture services (New)

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending this rule to update the list of programs for which a person cannot be concurrently eligible with the Medicaid alternative care program.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

The agency is providing continuous eligibility for children ages zero to six covered through the Apple Health Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Emergency Adoption (CR103E)

Preproposal (CR101)

The agency is amending WAC 182-513-1380 to clarify the scope of the housing maintenance allowance.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

The agency is amending WAC 182-511-1250 to add detail that will clarify how the agency determines countable income when calculating the program’s premium.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

Under Washington’s Medicaid Transformation Project 2.0 in accordance with Section 1115(a) of the Social Security Act, HCA is amending these sections to provide reentry services before the beneficiary’s expected date of release.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

The agency is correcting Washington Administrative Code cross citations. The proposed rule corrects typographical errors without changing the rule’s effect.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Expedited Adoption (CR105)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending WAC 182-507-0130 and WAC 182-509-0001 to update the income and resource eligibility standards for the refugee medical assistance program.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending WAC 182-503-0535 and WAC 182-507-0135 to update the parole period for certain persons from Ukraine to qualify for refugee medical assistance. This change is required by federal law. The agency filed an emergency rule under WSR 24-16-047 to give this change immediate effect.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Emergency Adoption (CR103E)

Preproposal (CR101)

  • WSR 24-16-087
  • Filed: 8/1/2024
  • Emergency adoption effective 7/31/2024 - 11/27/2024

Proposal (CR102)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)

The agency is amending WAC 182-504-0015 and WAC 182-505-0225 so that the agency does not terminate
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage for nonpayment of premiums during a child’s continuous eligibility
period and does not condition or delay enrollment on payment of unpaid premiums.

Agency contacts

Rulemaking contact
Program contact
Rulemaking status history

Emergency Adoption (CR103E)

Preproposal (CR101)

Proposal (CR102)

Permanent Adoption (CR103P)