Interpreter services data dashboard

Providers are required to ensure spoken and sign language access according to Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Health Care Authority's (HCA) interpreter services (IS) support these efforts by offering spoken and sign interpreter services for Apple Health (Medicaid) health care appointments.

The interpreter services data dashboards display utilization data for services provided through HCA's interpreter services program.

Data dashboards

There are two dashboards, one for spoken language and one for sign language services.

Privacy notice: HCA is required to protect the privacy of individuals receiving services. For that reason, the report for spoken language suppresses both the number and percentage of interpreter service requests with less than 50 requests. HCA is required to suppress the number and percentage on sign interpreter requests with less than 11 requests.

Sign language data dashboard

What is the sign language dashboard?

In 2020, HCA switched from a single coordinating entity for sign language interpreter requests to using a dedicated state contract managed by the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) and Department of Social and Health Service's Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSHS ODHH). HCA's eligible Medicaid providers may request sign language interpreters for Apple Health appointments. Requests are made through ODHH's online form.

HCA designed the sign language dashboard to track, identify, and report metrics for Apple Health sign language interpreter requests using the data from the ODHH request form. By tracking the volume of requests received, filled, cancelled, and un-filled, HCA can continue to improve access to sign language services.

The dashboard is updated twice monthly via data reports provided by ODHH. The information provided tracks and reports the metrics of Apple Health sign language interpreter requests. HCA in partnership with ODHH continue to use this data for program improvements and utilization.

Read the interpreter services sign language data dashboard factsheet for more information.

Dashboard definitions

  • Completed appointment: A request has been filled by an interpreter and the appointment was completed with the client and provider.
  • Fulfilled rate: The percentage of total service requests where an interpreter was assigned when compared to total service requests.
  • ACH regions: Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs) are independent, regional organizations. They work with their communities on specific health care and social needs related projects and activities. ACHs play an integral role in Washington's Medicaid projects.
  • Suppressed numbers: HCA does not publish products that include small numbers. As the reported number of data gets smaller, the risk of reidentifying an HCA client or member increases. This is especially true when a combination of variables are included in the data product to arrive at the small number (e.g. location, race/ethnicity, disability, age, or other demographic informational.) Any field on the dashboard that contains *** is suppressed for the client protection. Protecting Apple Health client's privacy is a priority for the Health Care Authority.

How to use the dashboard

To move between dashboard reports, use the tabs at the top of the page.

To change a data range:

  • Click the end date (second field) under the ODHH Request Date selector
    • Select month, the last day of the month and year from the popup calendar.
  • Click the start date (first field) under the ODHH Request Date selector
    • Select month, the first day of the month and year from the popup calendar.
Spoken language data dashboard

What is the spoken language dashboard?

The spoken language data dashboard was created to provide data on spoken language fill rates. HCA receives many requests for data reports from state agencies, stakeholders, and the community. The dashboard provides data information for HCA, Department of Social and Human Services (DSHS) and Department of Children, Youth, and Family (DCYF) on medical and social service appointments.

HCA receives the data from the coordinating entity, Universal Language Service. The data is updated monthly and can be filtered for the most current 2-year span. HCA and its partners use the data to maintain contract compliance, make program updates, and to increase language accessibility and the number of available interpreters statewide.

Read the interpreter services spoken language data dashboard fact sheet for more information.

Dashboard definitions

  • Completed rate: measures whether an interpreter filled a request and if the appointment was completed with the client and provider.
  • Contract fill rate: measures whether an interpreter was assigned to and accepted a request.

Top seven languages

  • Arabic
  • Cantonese
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese

HD/LD: refers to languages of High Demand, Lesser Diffusion. This includes languages outside the top seven where there are 100 or more requests per year.

LD/LD: refers to languages of Lesser Demand, Lesser Diffusion. This includes languages outside the top seven where there are less than 100 requests per year.

Language testing and certification rate: identifies what language is above or below the 90% contract fill rate.

Small number suppression: any field that contains *** is suppressed for privacy. This provides security and safety to our residents of Washington. HCA adopted a data governance practice of organizing and implementing policies, procedures, standards, and roles across the entire data life cycle that enables the effective use of HCA's data assets across organizational and technological boundaries.

How to use the dashboard

To move between dashboard reports, use the navigation tools at the bottom of the page.

  • Click the forward or back arrows to move one report/page at a time.
  • Click the page number to select a report/page from a popup menu.

To change a data range:

  • Click the end date (second field) under dates
    • Select month, the last day of the month and year from the popup calendar.
  • Click the start date (first field) under dates
    • Select month, the first day of the month and year from the popup calendar.

To filter reports by category, language, job county, program, or fill rate:

  • Click the down arrow for the criteria field you want to filter (for example, "Language Name").
  • Click the check box to the left of the item you want to filter by. Power BI will automatically update the report based on your selection. Power BI dashboard training is available to learn more about navigating the dashboard. (20 minutes).