Consumer notices workgroup
Who we are
The Washington Apple Health Consumer Notices Workgroup is a collaboration between the Health Care Authority (HCA), consumers, and stakeholders—consisting of community partners and legal advocates.
What we do
Our mission is to work together to improve all Apple Health notices by:
- Formatting the notices to increase readability.
- Using plain talking language.
- Increasing consumer confidence.
The process for each notice review will include:
- Initial drafting and final review by the “Core In-Person Group” in monthly meetings.
- Review by the “Subgroup” via email.
- Review by HCA staff.
- HCA coordination with HBE or DSHS to finalize system changes.
How can I get involved?
If you are a consumer and interested in participating in the consumer notices workgroup, we offer a quarterly $50 gift card!
For more information contact Jasmine San Nicolas.
Final products
Here are some of the Apple Health letters that have been revised and finalized by the Apple Health Consumer Notices Workgroup.
- COFA important information
- PARIS request letter
- Apple Health - CHIP termination
- Apple Health - SEBB program coverage information
- Apple Health - eligibility results
- Apple Health - renewal - action required for individuals turning 65
- Apple Health - termination
- Apple Health - eligibility results hearing rights and Apple Health information
- Apple Health - information request
- Apple Health renewal - action required
- Apple Health renewal - review only