Data and reports
Read our data strategy overview to learn how we manage data for accuracy, reliability, security, and the best user experience. The full data strategy details how we aim to accomplish our goals. View HCA's data strategy refresh for updates on the data strategy.
On this page
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Data is one of HCA's most valuable assets, helping strengthen our ability to make decisions based on reliable, timely, and accurate information. HCA’s data strategy demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that all Washingtonians have access to the care they need when they need it.
AI Ethics Framework
HCA's AI Ethics Framework sets guidelines for the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly involving HCA clients' data. Its primary purpose is to help HCA evaluate proposed AI use cases and provide recommendations to HCA's partners, stakeholders, and contractors. The framework aims to balance the benefits, costs, and risks of AI tools while prioritizing the protection of individuals' rights and well-being.
- View the AI Ethics Framework fact sheet
- View the AI Ethics Framework FAQ
Find health enrollment reports, legislative reports, budget information, and agency data dashboards below.
Apple Health (Medicaid)
- Apple Health client eligibility dashboard
The client dashboard is an interactive tool that helps answer questions about Apple Health eligibility.
Need assistance? Read the overview and learn how to use the dashboard.
- Apple Health provider dashboard
The provider dashboard contains various sets of interactive provider data and displays active current counts of specific provider categories and types.
Need assistance? Read the overview and learn how to use the dashboard.
- Clinical reports
Prescription drug price transparency
HCA created the following annual reports to detail the current state of the Drug Price Transparency (DPT) as the agency begins to receive drug pricing and cost data.
Uninsured Care Expansion Grant
In 2022, HCA received $35 million in federal resources for the provision of health care services for uninsured and underinsured individuals under 200 percent of the federal poverty level, regardless of immigration status.
- Dental reports
Dental services by age group and county
Annual percent of eligible clients receiving dental services area map
Clients receiving dental services by client county
- Ages 5 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 20 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 21 and over in Excel and PDF formats
- All ages in Excel and PDF formats
Dental clients and annual expenditures by client county
- Ages 5 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 20 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 21 and over in Excel and PDF formats
- All ages in Excel and PDF formats
Clients receiving dental services by age group
Dental clients and expenditures by age
Dental payments by service type
- Ages 5 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 20 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 21 and over in Excel and PDF formats
- All ages in Excel and PDF formats
Dental payments and clients by service type
- Ages 5 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 20 and under in Excel and PDF formats
- Ages 21 and over in Excel and PDF formats
- All ages in Excel and PDF formats
Cost and utilization summary
Provider caseload
- Emergency department dashboard
- Health Home dashboard
- Hep C Free Treatment dashboard
The Washington Apple Health Hep C Free Treatment dashboard tracks the amount of hep C positive clients who receive treatment and identifies possible equity or provider issues that are preventing other clients from being treated.
- Inpatient facility dashboard
- Interpreter services dashboards
- Medicaid and managed care reports
Managed care program annual reports
- Integrated foster care (IFC) (2024)
- Integrated managed care (IMC) (2024)
Apple Health Plan Report Card
- 2024 Apple Health Plan Report Card
- 2023 Apple Health Plan Report Card
- 2022 Apple Health Plan Report Card
- 2021 Apple Health Plan Report Card
- 2020 Apple Health Plan Report Card
Value-Based Payment (VBP) Quality Report Card
- 2024 Value-Based Payment Quality Report Card
- 2023 Value-Based Payment Quality Report Card
- 2022 Value-Based Payment Quality Report Card
- 2021 Value-Based Payment Quality Report Card
Managed Care Quality Strategy
EQR annual reports (technical report)
- January 2025 report (Measurement year 2023)
- January 2024 report (Measurement year 2022)
- January 2023 report (Measurement year 2021)
- January 2022 report (Measurement year 2020)
- January 2021 report (Measurement year 2019)
- January 2020 report (Measurement year 2018)
External Quality Review (EQR) comparative and regional reports
- 2023 with Appendix A, B, C, and F
- Appendix D: Regional comparison results
- 2022 with Appendix A: Methodology
- Appendix C: Measure tables (includes NCQA benchmarking)
- Appendix D: Regional comparison results
- Appendix E: Measure comparison by race/ethnicity, three-year trend
- 2021 with Appendix A and E
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) reports
HCA uses surveys and other data collection to help measure Apple Health clients' experience with their health plans.
Parity analysis
- 2023 Washington State Parity Analysis
- 2019 Washington State Parity Analysis
- 2017 Washington State Parity Analysis
Managed care plan enrollment
- Medicaid maternal and child health measures dashboard
- Reproductive health reports
Visit the Reproductive health page.
Family planning
Pregnancy and births
- Managed Care Enrollment Status by Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) 2022
- Managed care enrollment status over time (1993-2022)
- Medicaid paid maternity and infant services for Washington deliveries (2014-2021)
- Medicaid Eligibility Status for Medicaid-paid Perinatal Maternity Care by Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) 2022
- Medicaid-paid Maternity Care by County 2022 (Map)
- First Trimester Prenatal Care by County for WA Individuals with Medicaid-paid Perinatal Maternity Care Who Gave Birth in 2022 (map)
- First Trimester Prenatal Care by Medicaid Status and County for WA Individuals with Medicaid-paid Perinatal Maternity Care Who Gave Birth in 2022
- First Trimester Prenatal Care by Managed Care Plan for WA Individuals with Medicaid-paid Perinatal Maternity Care Who Gave Birth in 2022
- Prenatal Care Entry by Medicaid Status and ACH for WA Individuals Who Gave Birth in 2020
- Infant and fetal mortality over time (2009 - 2021)
Characteristics of individuals who gave birth
County characteristics of individuals reports 2013-2022
- Adams County
- Asotin County
- Benton County
- Chelan County
- Clallam County
- Clark County
- Columbia County
- Cowlitz County
- Douglas County
- Ferry County
- Franklin County
- Garfield County
- Grant County
- Grays Harbor County
- Island County
- Jefferson County
- King County
- Kitsap County
- Kittitas County
- Klickitat County
- Lewis County
- Lincoln County
- Mason County
- Okanogan County
- Pacific County
- Pend Oreille County
- Pierce County
- San Juan County
- Skagit County
- Skamania County
- Snohomish County
- Spokane County
- Stevens County
- Thurston County
- Wahkiakum County
- Walla Walla County
- Whatcom County
- Whitman County
- Yakima County
Delivery and cesarean section statistics
- Washington State non-military Hospitals (2020-2022)
Washington State hospital cesarean section summary charts (2022) (corrected)
By hospital (2020-2022)
- Cascade Valley Hospital
- Confluence Health Hospital Central Campus
- Covington Medical Center
- EvergreenHealth Medical Center
- Grays Harbor Community Hospital
- Island Hospital
- Kittitas Valley Healthcare
- Legacy at Salmon Creek
- Mason General Hospital
- Mid-Valley Hospital
- Multicare Auburn Medical Center
- Multicare Capital Medical Center
- Multicare Deaconess Hospital
- Multicare Good Samaritan Hospital
- Multicare Tacoma General Hospital
- Multicare Yakima Memorial Hospital
- Olympic Medical Center
- Othello Community Hospital
- Overlake Hospital Medical Center
- PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center
- PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center
- PeaceHealth St. Joseph Hospital
- Prosser Memorial Hospital
- Providence Centralia Hospital - Centralia Campus
- Providence Holy Family Hospital
- Providence Kadlec Regional Medical Center
- Providence Mount Carmel Hospital
- Providence Regional Medical Center Everett
- Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
- Providence St. Mary Medical Center (Walla Walla)
- Providence St. Peter Hospital
- Pullman Regional Hospital
- Samaritan Hospital
- Skagit Valley Hospital
- St. Anne Hospital
- St. Elizabeth Hospital
- St. Francis Community Hospital
- St. Joseph Medical Center
- St. Michael Medical Center - Silverdale
- Swedish Edmonds Campus
- Swedish Medical Center - First Hill Campus
- Swedish Medical Center - Issaquah Campus
- Trios Health
- University of Washington Medical Center - Montlake (corrected)
- University of Washington Medical Center - Northwest (corrected)
- Valley Hospital and Medical Center
- Valley Medical Center
- Virginia Mason Medical Center
- Whidbey Health Medical Center*
Historical Washington State hospital cesarean section summary charts
- Washington State hospital cesarean section summary charts 2021
- Washington State hospital cesarean section summary charts 2020
Maternity support services and infant case management
- Washington State Medicaid Explorer dashboard
Behavioral health
- Behavioral health housing program map
- Behavioral Health Provider Survey
Results for behavioral health agencies (BHAs) in Washington State.
- Serving infants, toddlers, and preschoolers
- Languages spoken by providers serving children and youth
- Children and youth behavioral health reports
- Access to behavioral health services for children
- Reimaging Access: Co-designing Treatment Policy with Youth and Their Communities
General information
- Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) Year one narrative report (University of Washington, 2024)
- Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) Year one outcome tables (University of Washington, 2024)
- Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) Year two final report (University of Washington, 2023)
- Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) Year two outcome tables (University of Washington, 2023)
- Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) Year one final report (University of Washington, 2022)
- Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) Year one outcome tables (University of Washington, 2022)
- New Journeys evaluation report (2023)
- Languages spoken at behavioral health agencies serving children and youth in Washington state report
- Youth risk behavior survey: Data summary and trends report (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023)
- The state of mental health in America (Mental Health America, 2022)
- Access to behavioral health services for children and youth (Health Care Authority, 2022)
- Behavioral health consultation and referral services annual report (Health Care Authority, 2022)
- Best telehealth practices for prenatal to young adult behavioral health (Health Care Authority, 2022)
- Access to behavioral health services for children and youth - Appendix B (Health Care Authority, 2022)
- 2022 Children's mental health report; Treating symptoms of trauma in children and teenagers (Child Mind Institute, 2022)
- UW and Seattle children's consultation and referral lines for mental and behavioral health final report (Joint Legislation and Review Committee, 2022)
- Provider survey report of language spoken in behavioral health agencies serving children and youth in Washington state (Washington State University, 2022)
- Supporting resilience in black families: Advancing racial equity in early childhood mental health Policy (National Black Child Development Institute, 2021)
- Children and youth behavioral health workgroup recommendations, 2016-2020 (CYBHWG, 2021)
- Intensive outpatient services report (Health Care Authority, 2021)
- Children's crisis outreach response system (CCORS) and King county behavioral health (BH) - Administration Service Organization (ASO) contracting (Health Care Authority, 2021)
- Addressing the youth mental health crisis: The urgent need for more education, services, and supports (Mental Health America, 2021)
- Behavioral health consultation and referral service annual report (Health Care Authority, December 2020)
- Children's Regional Behavioral Health Pilot Program (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, January 2020)
- Rights of Youth and Young Adults in Residential Programs (Office of Homeless Youth (January 2020)
- Findings and recommendations to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner related to access to behavioral health services (University of Washington, 2019)
- Partnership Access Line (PAL) funding recommendations (December 2019)
- Expansion of trauma-informed child care in Washington State (Department of Children, Youth and Families, March 2019)
- 2019 Budget Brief: Expand Access to Outpatient Mental Health Services (Washington State Hospital Association) (January 2019)
- A Way Home Report: From Inpatient Treatment to Homelessness (December 2018)
- Partnership access line (PAL) plus program (Health Care Authority, December 2018)
- Children and youth behavioral health work group historical recommendations and legislation (2016-2020)
Prenatal through five relational health
- Supporting resilience in black families: Advancing racial equity in early childhood mental health policy (National Black Child Development Institute, 2021)
- Washington State child care access strategy (Department of Commerce, 2021)
- Brief: The case for school mental health (UW SMART Center, 2020)
- Children's regional behavioral health pilot program (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, January 2020)
- Expansion of trauma-informed child care in Washington state (Department of Children, Youth and Families, March 2019)
- Staffing enrichment work group recommendations (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 2019)
School-based youth behavioral health and suicide prevention
- Addressing mental health awareness - Maple Valley and the Tahoma school district (Health Care Authority, 2021)
- Post-School outcomes for students with disabilities (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 2021)
- Update: Data on students experiencing homelessness (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 2021)
- Washington State healthy youth survey (2021)
- Brief: The case for school mental health (UW SMART Center, 2020)
- Children's regional behavioral health pilot program (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, January 2020)
- Staffing enrichment work group recommendations (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 2019)
Workforce and rates
- Washington's behavioral health workforce assessment: A report of the behavioral health workforce advisory committee (Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, 2022)
- Certified community behavioral health clinic (CCBHC) impact report (The National Council, 2021)
- Teaching clinic enhancement rate work group status report (Health Care Authority, 2021)
- Washington’s behavioral health workforce: Barriers and solutions – Phase II report and recommendations (Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board and the UW Center for Health Workforce Studies, December 2020)
Youth and young adult continuum of care
- "I want to go home" Reevaluation developmental disabilities administration (DDA) children's services to prevent hospitalization and out-of-state placement (Office of Developmental Disabilities Ombuds, 2022)
- Wilderness therapy programs: Stakeholder perspectives in Washington (Washington State Institute for Public Policy, 2022)
- Wilderness therapy programs: A systematic review of research (Washington State Institute for Public Policy, 2022)
- Reimagining access: Co-designing treatment policy with youth and their communities (Health Care Authority, 2022)
- Preliminary strategic plan: Prevention of youth homelessness (Department of Commerce, 2022)
- First Episode Psychosis: Estimating annual incident using administrative data (Department of Social and Health Services, 2022)
- New Journeys: Coordinated Specialty Care for first episode psychosis (Health Care Authority (January 2021)
- Intensive outpatient services report (Health Care Authority, 2021)
- Improving stability for youth exiting care(Department of Commerce, 2021)
- Family Initiated Treatment (FIT) expansion survey results impact report (Health Care Authority, 2021)
- Best practice recommendations for safe and supportive transition to stable housing for youth ages 16-25 (Health Care Authority, 2021)
- Rights of youth and young adults in residential programs (Office of Homeless Youth (January 2020)
- Family initiated treatment (FIT) expansion (Health Care Authority, 2020)
- A Way Home report: From inpatient treatment to homelessness (December 2018)
- From inpatient treatment to homelessness: Envisioning a path toward healing and safe housing for young people (A Way Home Washington, 2018)
- Evidence-based and research-based practices reports
- Reporting guides for research and evidence-based practice in children's mental health (March 2020)
- 2020 evidence based practices reporting guides training video
- Submit a potential evidence based practice (application)
- Preliminary estimate of costs associated with implementing e/rbps for children in Washington (March 2016)
- Gaps analysis of research/evidence-based treatment for children’s public mental health in Washington State (April 2015)
- CBT+ and culturally responsive practice report
- Infant-early childhood mental health reports
- IECMH Statewide Tour report
- Mental Health Assessment for Young Children Implementation Report
- Behavioral Health Agencies Serving Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers in Washington State
- WISe CANS data for children birth – age five
- Children's Behavioral Health Access Report
- Children's Behavioral Health Dashboard Report
- Involuntary treatment reports
Secure withdrawal management and stabilization (SWMS)
Annual reports
- SWMS Report (2024)
- SWMS Report (2023)
- SWMS Report (2022)
- SWMS Report (2021)
- SWMS Report (2020)
- Secure Detox Report (2019)
- Involuntary Treatment System Integration update (October 2018)
- Involuntary Treatment System Integration update (February 2018)
Facility reports
- Quarter 4-2024
- Quarter 3-2024
- Quarter 2-2024
- Quarter 1-2024
- Quarter 4-2023
- Quarter 3-2023
- Quarter 2-2023
- Quarter 1-2023
- Quarter 4-2022
- Quarter 3-2022
- Quarter 2-2022
- Quarter 1-2022
- Quarter 4-2021
- Quarter 3-2021
- Quarter 2-2021
- Quarter 1-2021
- Quarter 4-2020
- Quarter 3-2020
Single bed certifications
- Mental health reports
Behavioral Health Enrollee Survey
Transition age youth (TAY)
- Opioid use disorder treatment dashboard
- Problem gambling reports
- Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) reports
WISe quality plan reports
Behavioral health assessment solution (BHAS) quarterly trends reports
Quarter 4, 2023
- Statewide behavioral health system (CANS B-5)
- Statewide behavioral health system (CANS 5+)
By region
- Great Rivers
- Greater Columbia
- King County
- North Central
- North Sound
- Pierce
- Salish
- Southwest Washington
- Spokane County
- Thurston-Mason
Quarterly cumulative reports
- WISe service characteristics (quarter 4)
- WISe screening report (quarter 4)
- WISe dashboard (quarter 4)
- WISe service characteristics (quarter 1)
- WISe screening report (quarter 1)
- WISe dashboard (quarter 1)
WISe quality review improvement tool (QIRT) reports
- WISe QIRT annual summary (July 2022-June 2023)
- WISe QIRT annual summary (July 2021-June 2022)
- WISe QIRT summary (quarter 1, 2021)
T.R. Settlement information
Yearly implementation status reports
WISe dashboard reports
- WISE length of stay: tailored to the needs youth and families (February, 2020)
- WISe QIRT dashboard reference guide
- WISe length of stay and CANS outcomes (quarter 1, January 2020)
- WISe educational outcome measures (quarter 3, September 2019)
- Quarter 4, 2020
- Quarter 3, 2020
- Quarter 2, 2020
- Quarter 1, January 2020
- Quarter 3, August 2019
- Quarter 2, May 2019
- Quarter 1, February 2019
- Quarter 1, February 2019 (annual update)
- WISe youth and family participant survey report (quarter 3, September 2018)
- Quarter 4, October 2018
- Quarter 3, July 2018
- Quarter 2, May 2018
- Quarter 1, February 2018 (annual update)
- Quarter 4, October 2017
- Quarter 3, August 2017
- Quarter 2, May 2017
- Quarter 1, January 2017 (annual update)
- Quarter 4, October 2016
- Quarter 3, July 2016
- Quarter 2, April 2016
- Quarter 1, January 2016 (annual update)
Screening reports
- Quarter 4, 2023
- Quarter 2, 2023
- Quarter 1, 2023
- Quarter 4, 2022
- Quarter 2, 2022
- Quarter 1, 2022
- Quarter 4, 2021
- Quarter 2, 2021
- Quarter 1, 2021
- Quarter 4, 2020
- Quarter 3, 2020
- Quarter 2, 2020
- Quarter 1, January 2020
- Quarter 3, August 2019
- Quarter 2, May 2019
- Quarter 1, January 2019
- Quarter 4, October 2018
- Quarter 3, July 2018
- Quarter 2, May 2018
- Quarter 1, January 2018
Service characteristics reports
- Quarter 4, 2023
- Quarter 2, 2023
- Quarter 1, 2023
- Quarter 4, 2022
- Quarter 2, 2022
- Quarter 1, 2022
- Quarter 4, 2021
- Quarter 2, June 2021 (WISe service intensity report)
- Quarter 2, April 2021 (WISe service intensity estimates)
- Quarter 1, January 2021 (WISe service intensity estimates)
- Quarter 1, 2021
- Quarter 4, 2020
- Quarter 4, November 2020 (WISe service intensity report)
- Quarter 3, 2020
- Quarter 3, September 2020 (WISe service intensity report)
- Quarter 2, 2020
- Quarter 1, January 2020
- Quarter 1, January 2020 (WISe service intensity report)
- Quarter 4, December 2019 (WISe service intensity report)
- Quarter 3, September 2019
- Quarter 3, August 2019
- Quarter 2, May 2019
- Quarter 1, January 2019
- Quarter 4, October 2018
- Quarter 3, July 2018
- Quarter 2, May 2018
- Quarter 1, January 2018
- Quarter 4, November 2017
WISe quality review improvement tool (QIRT) reports
- WISe QIRT summary (quarter 4, 2020)
- WISe QIRT summary (quarter 3, 2020)
- WISe QIRT summary (quarter 2, 2020)
- WISe QIRT summary (quarter 1, 2020)
- WISe QIRT summary (2019)
T.R. Settlement informational reports
- T.R. settlement order
- T.R. settlement motion
- T.R. settlement exhibit A
- T.R. settlement exhibit B
- T.R. fulfillment agreement
- T.R. settlement action plan
- T.R. settlement implementation status report (2015)
- T.R. settlement implementation status report (2016)
- T.R. settlement implementation status report (2017)
WISe participant and caregiver survey
Clinical Data Repository (CDR)
- Learn more about the HCA CDR program
Health Commons Project (HCP) announced in a press release the acquisition of OneHealthPort, the current CDR program lead organization (LO). OneHealthPort officially becomes HCP OneHealthPort, LLC, on January 1, 2025.
HCA established the CDR program in 2015 in response to RCW 41.05.035. This legislation directed HCA to design, implement, and maintain state electronic health record repositories along with infrastructure facilitating secure exchange of health information.
The CDR is an ever-growing resource of Apple Health (Medicaid) client clinical data and was initially intended for use in:
- Calculating statewide clinical outcomes to inform program evaluation and associated analytic research efforts. This is like how the Washington All-Payer Claims Database (WA-APCD) supports statewide analytics and evaluation of healthcare cost and utilization.
- Making client clinical data available to clinicians at the point of care through a web portal.
- Helping providers with client care coordination.
Given the evolution of EHR interoperability technology and federal rules since 2015, the CDR program will focus on its use as an analytic utility. Authorized users can still access client data through the established CDR web portal.
Providers in Washington State are required to work with HCA’s CDR program LO to ensure their electronic health record systems (EHR) send diagnoses, procedure, and clinical outcomes information about the Apple Health clients they serve to the CDR.
Providers are encouraged to contact HCA’s LO if seeking access to the CDR web portal or CDR participation technical support.
Contact HCA with general questions about the CDR program.
Medicaid Transformation Project
- Analytics, research, and measurement (ARM) dashboards
- General
Rapid-cycle monitoring reports
- CMS documents
Quarterly progress reports
Demonstration year 8
MTP 2.0 began July 1, 2023, which started demonstration year (DY) 8. Note: the below reports will not align with regular calendar quarters.
- First reporting period (July–September 2023)
- Second reporting period (October–December 2023)
- Third reporting period (January-March 2024)
- Fourth reporting period (April–June 2024)
Demonstration year 7
- First quarter (January–March 2023)
- Second quarter (April–June 2023)
Demonstration year 6
- First quarter (January–March 2022)
- Second quarter (April–June 2022)
- Third quarter (July–September 2022)
- Fourth quarter (October–December 2022)
- Initiative 1: transformation through ACHs and IHCPs
Legislative reports
- ACH report to the Legislature (December 2022)
- ACH report to the Legislature (December 2023)
ACH transformation progress
- Pay-for-reporting findings report (October 2022)
- Pay-for-reporting findings report (May 2022)
- Semi-annual findings report (July 1 to December 31, 2021)
- Semi-annual findings report (January 1 to June 30, 2021)
Quarterly incentive reports
- Initiative 2: long-term services and supports (LTSS)
- Read our quarterly progress reports (see CMS documents) to learn about what's going on with LTSS.
- Initiative 3: Foundational Community Supports (FCS)
Preliminary evaluation report findings
Supported employment and supportive housing reports
- Supported employment (January 2025)
- Supportive housing (January 2025)
- Supported employment (December 2024)
- Supported housing (December 2024)
- Supported employment (November 2024)
- Supported housing (November 2024)
- Supported employment (June 2024)
- Supportive housing (June 2024)
- Supported employment (May 2024)
- Supportive housing (May 2024)
- Supported employment (April 2024)
- Supportive housing (April 2024)
- Supported employment (March 2024)
- Supportive housing (March 2024)
- Supported employment (December 2023)
- Supportive housing (December 2023)
- Supported employment (November 2023)
- Supportive housing (November 2023)
- Supported employment (September 2023)
- Supportive housing (September 2023)
- Supported employment (July 2023)
- Supportive housing (July 2023)
- Supported employment (June 2023)
- Supportive housing (June 2023)
- Supported employment (May 2023)
- Supportive housing (May 2023)
- Supported employment (April 2023)
- Supportive housing (April 2023)
- Supported employment (March 2023)
- Supportive housing (March 2023)
- Supported employment (February 2023)
- Supportive housing (February 2023)
- Supported employment (January 2023)
- Supportive housing (January 2023)
- Supported employment (December 2022)
- Supportive housing (December 2022)
- Supported employment (October 2022)
- Supportive housing (October 2022)
- Supported employment (September 2022)
- Supportive housing (September 2022)
- Supported employment (August 2022)
- Supportive housing (August 2022)
- Supported employment (July 2022)
- Supportive housing (July 2022)
- Supported employment (June 2022)
- Supportive housing (June 2022)
- Supported employment (April 2022)
- Supportive housing (April 2022)
- Supported employment (March 2022)
- Supportive housing (March 2022)
- Supported employment (February 2022)
- Supportive housing (February 2022)
- Supported employment (January 2022)
- Supportive housing (January 2022)
- Initiative 4: substance use disorder (SUD) IMD
Institutions for mental diseases (IMDs) are hospitals, nursing facilities, or other institutions of more than 16 beds that are primarily engaged in providing diagnosis, treatment, or care of persons with mental diseases, which includes SUD.
- Read our quarterly progress reports (see CMS documents) to learn about what's going on with SUD IMD.
- Initiative 5: mental health IMD
Institutions for mental diseases (IMDs) are hospitals, nursing facilities, or other institutions of more than 16 beds that are primarily engaged in providing diagnosis, treatment, or care of persons with mental diseases, which includes SUD.
- Read our quarterly progress reports (see CMS documents) to learn about what's going on with mental health IMD.
- Health Care Cost Transparency Board (HCCTB)
- Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB)
Public and school employee benefits
- Employee and retiree benefits (ERB) enrollment dashboard
The ERB enrollment dashboard is an interactive tool that helps answer questions about Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) and School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) member enrollment.
- PEBB Program enrollment reports
Medical and dental monthly enrollment reports
Data showing how many subscribers are enrolled in PEBB Program medical and dental plans each month. Per HCA Small Number policy all cell values 10 and under are suppressed. Total values are not adjusted and include all values.
Switching reports
These reports provide information about the number of members switching plans during open enrollment.
Final reports
- SEBB Program enrollment reports
Medical and dental monthly enrollment reports
Data showing how many subscribers are enrolled in SEBB Program medical, dental, and vision plans each month. Per HCA Small Number policy all cell values 10 and under are suppressed. Total values are not adjusted and include all values.
Switching reports
These reports provide information about the number of members switching plans during open enrollment.
Final reports
Washington All-Payer Claims Database (WA-APCD)
The WA-APCD is the state’s most complete source of health and dental insurance data claims representing over 70 percent of the state’s population.