Prenatal through 25 Behavioral Health Strategic Plan

In 2021, in response to the ongoing crisis children and young adults – the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group (CYBHWG) proposed creating the Prenatal through 25 (P-25) Behavioral Health Strategic Plan for individuals from prenatal stages through age 25.

In 2024, in collaboration with people with lived and living experience, providers, families, caregivers, and other key community members the project was renamed Washington Thriving.

The draft Prenatal through 25 Behavioral Health Strategic Plan will be presented to the CYBHWG by August 1, 2025, and then submitted to the Governor and Legislature by November 1, 2025.

Want to stay up-to-date on work related to the strategic plan?


Design and build a system of services and supports that:

  • Ensures no wrong door for anyone seeking help.
  • Provides assistance and feels helpful to children, young people, and families.
  • Is shaped by the input and experiences of those who use these services.
  • Offers a comprehensive and adaptable system that covers the full range of care for mental health and substance use conditions from prenatal stages through age 25.
  • Is driven by outcome measures that are flexible enough to adapt to the changing needs and approaches.
  • Focuses on prevention and early intervention to reduce or prevent future mental health or substance use crises that require more intensive services.

Washington Thriving Advisory Group (formerly the Strategic Plan Advisory Group)

The Washington Thriving Advisory Group is made up of young people (ages 13-29), parents and caregivers, and system partners.

The advisory group:

  • Brings everyone together to find common ground and have collaborative discussions.

View the current advisory group members.

Discussion groups

Each month, separate meetings are facilitated for:

  • Youth and young adults (13-29)
  • Parents and caregivers of children, youth, and young adults
  • Partners (providers, advocates, others who support children, young people, and families)

These one to two hour meetings will focus on sharing updates about the strategic plan and gathering feedback and suggestions on project outputs.

Meetings and materials

All advisory group meetings are open to the public and include time for public comments and other ways to get involved and share your thoughts. You can watch the meetings live or watch the recordings later on the TVW website.

For more details on upcoming meetings and to add them to your calendar, visit Washington Thriving.

Upcoming meetings

Date Location, call-in information, and meeting materials

February 11, 2025

5:30 to 8:30 p.m.


Past meetings and materials

Date Meeting materials
December 19
December 18
December 3
November 21
November 20
November 19
October 28
October 17
October 16
September 19
September 18
September 9
August 29
August 28
July 18
July 17
June 20
June 18
June 10
May 23
May 22
April 24

Discovery sprints

A discovery sprint is a methodology for collecting, analyzing, and integrating feedback on complex systems. Through four discovery sprints (8-12 weeks), held in 2024 with members of our target community, we explore the important challenges facing the behavioral health systems for children, youth, young adults, and their parents and caregivers.


The discovery sprints resulted in four sets of recommendations that are provided to the Washington Thriving Advisory Group for consideration as work is done to develop the P-25 Strategic Plan.

For each sprint, a final presentation was created and shared alongside the final report. The presentations were designed to provide an overview of the completed work and information on the recommendations while the report was developed to provide the detailed overview of the project and the contract deliverable information.


Stay connected and informed with the Washington Thriving newsletter. Each newsletter will provide updates on the Washington Thriving work, spotlight partners across the state, and link opportunities for connecting with the strategic planning process.


During the 2022 legislative session, the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group (CYBHWG) recommended the development of a Statewide Prenatal through 25 (P-25) Behavioral Health Strategic Plan. This recommendation was passed by the Washington State legislature in Second Substitute House Bill 1890.

In 2024, Engrossed House Bill 2256 updated this legislation and extended the due date for the P-25 behavioral health strategic plan to November 1, 2025.