Washington State Hub and Spoke Project
The Washington State Hub and Spoke (H&S) Project is a part of the 21st Century Cures Act to address the opioid epidemic in Washington State.
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What is the hub and spoke (H&S) model?
The H&S model connects a network of community providers around a central hub that offers a medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) component to all patients seeking services for opioid use disorder

How does it work?
People with opioid use disorders (OUD) seek services in a variety of places and are often interested in receiving MOUD as part of their opiate use disorder treatment.
Unfortunately, many agencies, clinics, and facilities do not have MOUD prescribers on staff or relationships with clinics that do.
Employing the model of a central hub with extending spokes, hub sites identify, collaborate, and subcontract with spokes to provide integrated MOUD care, regardless of how participants enter the system.
Where are the hubs in Washington?
There are currently eleven networks:
- Cascade Medical Advantage
- Comprehensive Healthcare
- Harborview Medical Center
- Ideal Option
- Lifeline Connection
- MultiCare Health System
- Northwest Integrated Health
- Olympic Peninsula Health
- Peninsula Community Health Services
- Providence Health and Services
- Valley Cities
For details and contact information, view the hub and spoke directory.
How is the work funded?
Funded initially by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the H&S project was tasked with developing six hub and spoke (H&S) projects in six areas of the state.
There are currently five state and six State Opioid Response (SOR) projects (view the directory):
- One state H&S project is funded by a SAMHSA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG).
- Four state H&S projects are funded by the Washington State and Medicaid.
- All six SOR H&S projects are funded by the SOR grant.