Gene expression profile testing of cancer tissue
Gene expression profile testing identifies the genes in a cancer cell or tissue that are making messenger RNA, which carry the genetic information needed by the cancer cells to make proteins. Some gene expression profile tests are designed to increase the accuracy of the prognosis for a cancer patient.
Status: Decision completed
Why is gene expression profile testing being reviewed?
This topic was selected for a health technology assessment because of medium concerns for the safety of these tests, medium/high concerns for efficacy, and high concerns for cost.
Primary Criteria Ranking
- Safety = Medium
- Efficacy = Medium/High
- Cost = High
Type | Materials |
Update literature (2024) | |
Assessment (2018) |
Assessment timeline
- Draft key questions published: October 6, 2017
- Public comment period: October 6 to 20, 2017
- Final key questions published: November 28, 2017
- Draft report published: January 4, 2018
- Public comment period: January 4 to February 2, 2018
- Final report published: February 21, 2018
- HTCC public meeting: March 16, 2018