Upper endoscopy for GERD and GI symptoms
Upper endoscopy is a diagnostic procedure. Upper endoscopy involves the insertion of a thin flexible tube down a patient's throat and esophagus. The endoscope has a light and camera attached allowing a doctor to visually inspect the esophagus for abnormalities and to take small pieces of tissue (biopsy) if needed.
Status: Decision completed
Why is upper endoscopy for GERD and GI symptoms being reviewed?
Upper GI symptoms, acid reflux and GERD are very common. Upper endoscopy is an invasive diagnostic procedure that may be indicated for persons with upper GI symptoms and/or a diagnosis of GERD. State agencies concerns for safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness.
Primary criteria ranking
- Safety = Low
- Efficacy = Medium-High
- Cost = Medium-High
Type | Materials |
Assessment (2012) |
Assessment timeline
- Draft report published: March 22, 2012
- Public comment period: March 22 to April 5, 2012
- Final report published: April 16, 2012
- HTCC public meeting: May 18, 2012
- Draft findings and decision published: June 27, 2012
- Public comment period: June 27 to July 11, 2012