Older and aging adults and family caregivers

The Medicaid Alternative Care (MAC) and Tailored Supports for Older Adults (TSOA) programs serve and support older adults and family caregivers by:

  • Expanding care options for people, ages 55 and older, so they can stay at home and delay or avoid more intensive services, such as moving to a nursing facility.
  • Providing assistance to unpaid family caregivers, ages 18 or older, who provide care for their loved ones.

Want to learn more about long-term care services?


MAC and TSOA are helping change the Medicaid health care delivery system by:

  • Providing additional options for people with long-term care needs.
  • Increasing access to services for people on the cusp of poverty to reduce:
    • A potential health decline.
    • The need to move out of home.
    • The spending-down of limited resources.
  • Slowing the growth trend of traditional Medicaid-funded services, including Medicaid long-term services and supports.
  • Providing unpaid family caregivers with supports and knowledge to continue providing care while also taking care of themselves.
  • Helping people remain at home for as long as possible, and to maintain independent living.


MAC provides support for unpaid family caregivers caring for Medicaid-eligible people who are not currently accessing Medicaid long-term services and supports. MAC helps unpaid family caregivers provide high-quality care for their loved ones, while also tending to their own health and well-being.

TSOA establishes a new eligibility category and benefit package for people who may need Medicaid long-term services and supports in the future. TSOA helps people and families avoid or delay impoverishment and the future need for Medicaid-funded services. TSOA also provides support to unpaid family caregivers.

Benefits of MAC and TSOA

These programs provide a variety of services that support the unpaid family caregiver and the person who is receiving care.

  • Caregiver assistance services support the unpaid family caregiver and include services, such as respite care, housekeeping and errands, adult day care, and home-delivered meals.
  • Training and education helps caregivers gain skills and knowledge to care for their loved one and help them maintain independent living as long as possible.
  • Specialized medical equipment and supplies, such as bath benches, sock aides, personal emergency response systems, and incontinence supplies, are available for family caregivers and those receiving care.
  • Health maintenance and therapies include massage therapy and caregiving counseling, and help caregivers remain a caregiver or help a loved one remain at home.
  • Personal assistance services help an individual complete everyday activities to remain in their home. These services are only available to an individual enrolled in TSOA who doesn’t have a caregiver. Examples of personal assistance services include personal care services, home-delivered meals, and personal emergency response systems.

Benefits for caregivers

Under both MAC and TSOA programs, unpaid family caregivers can receive and have access to number of services, such as:

  • Training
  • Support groups
  • Respite services
  • Help with housework
  • Errands
  • Home-delivered meals

Contacts and resources

Visit the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration’s (ALTSA’s) website for a list of contacts and resources by county. This includes information for a local Area Agency on Aging, Home & Community Services, Residential Care Services, and much more.

To learn if you or a loved one is eligible for MAC or TSOA services, contact your local Community Living Connections office or call 1-855-567-0252.

Visit ALTSA’s website to read more about their Long-Term Care Services.


Email: HCA MTP