Meetings and materials
The P&T Committee / DUR Board meet at least quarterly. All meetings are open to the public.
On this page
Meetings and materials: Pharmacy and Therapeutic (P&T) Committee/Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board
2025 meeting schedule
- February 12 - Meeting cancelled
- April 16
- June 18 - Meeting cancelled
- August 20
- October 15
- December 10 - Meeting cancelled
Drug class reports will be taken down 30 days after the meeting.
Date | General documents | P&T Documents | DUR documents |
April 16, 2025 |
February 12, 2025 CANCELLED Reason: Failed to meet quorum |
Meeting details
- All P&T Committee/DUR Board meetings are open to the public.
- Stakeholders will be allowed three minutes for comments.
- Written testimony: If you would like to give testimony, but cannot attend a meeting, please email a two-page maximum letter to the WPDP program at least one week before the meeting. If you provide new drug information that has not been reviewed by the Drug Effectiveness Review Project (DERP), it cannot be considered by the committee.
- Committee discussion and motions follow stakeholder comments.
- For Apple Health PDL or drug policy questions email Apple Health Pharmacy Policy.
- Meetings are sponsored by the Health Care Authority and meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please call our ADA Coordinator at 360-725-9976 to make a request for special accommodations. TRS users may call this number through the Washington Relay Service by dialing 711.
Meetings held by webinar
If you would like to speak on any topic listed on the agenda, email the WPDP program, by the Friday before the meeting date:
- Your name;
- The organization you represent;
- The drug class name on the agenda;
- The completed Stakeholder Conflict of Interest Form.
The Committee Chair will call these names after the drug class presentation. You will be unmuted and have 3 minutes to speak. If you do not sign up ahead of time, but would like to speak at the meeting, the Committee Chair will ask if there are any other stakeholders. "Raise your hand", you will be unmuted when your name is called. You will have 3 minutes to speak. You can also ask questions in the "chat" box.
Meetings held at HCA
- View directions to HCA's Cherry Street Plaza
- Stakeholder sign-up sheets for testimony or comment will be available in the lobby.
Medicaid supplemental rebates
Effective January 1, 2018 HCA joined The Optimal PDL Solution (TOP$) supplemental rebate pool administered by Provider Synergies, LLC is a subsidiary of Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLC.
Please refer to the TOP$ website for more information about contracting and submitting rebates.
Request archived materials
To request archived materials, email the Prescription Drug Program.
Stakeholder list
If you would like to receive P&T/DUR meeting agendas and drug class updates sign up for the Prescription Drug Program Stakeholder List.