Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)
The Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) program model provides comprehensive services and support to eligible children and youth in Washington.
On this page
What do I need to know about WISe?
WISe is available to youth age 20 or younger with complex behavioral health needs who are eligible for Apple Health coverage and meet medical necessity criteria for WISe services.
In late 2021, eligibility laws changed, covering undocumented children and youth.
- WISe: Individuals providing Behavioral Health services
- WISe: Developmental Disabilities Administration
For more information: View WAC 182-505-0210: Eligibility for children and the WISe Information for Children's Long Term Inpatient Program fact sheet.
Quality Plan project
When did it start? How long will it take?
- Started February 2024, projected to go through mid 2025. Currently completed phase 2.
- View the timeline.
Information from previous announcements and project meetings
Read the quality study findings that will inform the quality plan update
How can I get more information?
Sign up for GovDelivery bulletins.
How can I provide feedback?
- Share your thought through our confidential survey
- If you want to share your feedback with a response, please email us.
Is there more information on the Quality Improvement Review Tool? (QIRT)
The WISe QIRT is designed to assess the quality of interaction between helping professionals and children, youth, and families in setting goals for and achieving health and wellness. During the Quality Plan update project (started February 2024, currently underway), annual QIRT reviews are not required. The QIRT platform remains available for WISe providers who are interested in continuing to conduct internal review.
QIRT information
For questions, additional information, or technical assistance on the QIRT contact WISeSupport@hca.wa.gov.
Is there training?
Training is available through the WISe workforce collaborative.
Is there WISe implementation reporting?
The Health Care Authority (HCA) provides detailed reports on the implementation of the WISe program model as well as quarterly quality management reports by location. Visit the Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) reports page to view and download the reports.
What supports are available for WISe Birth through Five (B-5)?
Children birth through age five with qualifying mental health conditions are eligible to receive infant-early childhood mental health services, including through WISe. Because intensive mental health services for young children is a newer concept for care, additional resources are available for WISe providers serving children birth through age five.
- CANS B-5: The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is a required component of the WISe enrollment and service process. For children younger than six, WISe providers may use the early childhood version of the CANS, referred to as the CANS B-5. The CANS B-5 includes domains that are specific to the developmental and relational needs of young children; it also includes supplementary information to support providers in assessing needs and strengths in a developmentally appropriate way. CANS B-5 rating sheets and references guides on the Behavioral Health Analysis Solution (BHAS) platform, under CANS Documents.
- Training and Coaching: Several webinars on providing WISe services to children birth through age five are available through the WISe Workforce Collaborative via The Bridge. Individualized coaching for agencies on this topic is also available through the WISe Workforce Collaborative.
For additional information, providers may also reference the WISe Birth through Five section under Specialty Teams and Guidance in the WISe Service Delivery, Policy, Procedure, and Resource Manual.