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Return to Medical plans and benefits: Retirees | PEBB Continuation Coverage

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Full benefits

The following documents—called an Evidence of Coverage (EOC)—provide in-depth descriptions of the health care benefits for each plan.




Find providers

Visit UnitedHealthcare’s provider directories or call UnitedHealthcare Customer Service at 1-855-873-3268.

Plan options

UnitedHealthcare PEBB Balance

The PEBB Program has partnered with UnitedHealthcare to offer a Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan called PEBB Balance available to Medicare-eligible subscribers. View the 2025 Plan guide or 2024 Plan guide.

Annual costs

There are no deductibles and the annual maximum out-of-pocket for medical services is $2,000. See the 2025 Summary of Benefits or 2024 Summary of benefits.

Key features

  • No referrals to see a specialist.
  • See doctors outside of the network for the same cost share if the provider participates in Medicare and accepts the plan.
  • Coverage for visiting doctors, clinics, hospitals, and prescription drugs is included in one plan.
  • Coverage includes vision, hearing, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic care, and acupuncture.
  • Additional benefits and programs such as a fitness program and quarterly allowance to purchase over-the-counter drugs.


This is a national plan with coverage throughout the United States and the five U.S. Territories. See plans available by county.

If you move out of your plan's service area and your plan is no longer available, you must change plans. If you do not, the PEBB Program will enroll you in one. You must report your new address and any request to change plans to the PEBB Program no later than 60 days after your move.

UnitedHealthcare PEBB Complete

The PEBB Program has partnered with UnitedHealthcare to offer a Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan called PEBB Balance available to Medicare-eligible subscribers. View the 2025 Plan guide or 2024 Plan guide.

Annual costs

There are no deductibles and the annual maximum out-of-pocket for medical services is $500. See the 2025 Summary of benefits or 2024 Summary of benefits.

Key features

  • No referrals to see a specialist.
  • See doctors outside of the network for the same cost share if the provider participates in Medicare and accepts the plan.
  • Coverage for visiting doctors, clinics, hospitals, and prescription drugs is included in one plan.
  • Coverage includes vision, hearing, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic care, and acupuncture.
  • Additional benefits and programs such as a fitness program and quarterly allowance to purchase over-the-counter drugs.


This is a national plan with coverage throughout the United States and the five U.S. Territories. See plans available by county.

If you move out of your plan's service area and your plan is no longer available, you must change plans. If you do not, the PEBB Program will enroll you in one. You must report your new address and any request to change plans to the PEBB Program no later than 60 days after your move.

About UnitedHealthcare

UnitedHealthcare Retiree Solutions combines two of our greatest strengths: helping seniors live healthier lives and helping the health care system work better for employers and group plan sponsors. We are a leader in the retiree health care field with 40+ years of leadership and sustainability. Our experience helps us provide the service and support your members deserve. What makes us unique is our innovative ability to combine and customize our products and services to create a solution tailored to your needs.

We have been offering Group Medicare Advantage plans with a national service area and Medicare Part D Employer Group Waiver Plans since 2006. We have an unmatched track record of leadership and sustainability and our experience helps us provide the service and support your members deserve. UnitedHealthcare has 1.7 million Group Medicare Advantage members. The UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan received one of the highest rating (4.5 out of 5 Stars) by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for 2023.