Benefits and coverage by plan

Get plan benefits booklets, find out what is covered, and your costs for care.

What is a benefits booklet?

The benefits booklets also called evidence of coverage (EOC) or certificate of coverage (COC), are produced by the health plans to provide detailed information about plan benefits and what is and is not covered. The benefits booklet is the primary source of coverage provisions offered under the plan.

What is a summary of benefits and coverage (SBC)?

Summaries of benefits and coverage (SBCs) are required under the federal Affordable Care Act to help members understand plan benefits and medical terms. Summaries of benefits and coverage are not available for Medicare supplement plans. For PEBB Medicare plan summaries, see the Medical Benefits Comparison tool or the Benefits At-a-Glance Comparison for PEBB Medicare plans.

SBCs help you compare things like:

  • Whether there are services a plan doesn't cover
  • What isn't included in a plan's out-of-pocket limit
  • Whether you need a referral to see a specialist

The PEBB Program and/or medical plans provide SBCs, or notice of how to get one, at different times throughout the year (like when you apply for coverage, renew your plan, or request an SBC).

SBCs don't replace PEBB's Medical Benefit Comparison tool, or the plans' benefits booklets.

What are preauthorization criteria?

Preauthorization is when you seek approval from your health plan for coverage of specific services, supplies, or drugs before receiving them. Some services or treatments (except emergencies) may require preauthorization before the plan pays for them. Preauthorization is not a guarantee, however, that your plan will pay for those services, supplies or drugs.

The criteria included in the preauthorization requirements below state how a plan determines when a service, supply, or drug is medically necessary and will be covered.

Kaiser Permanente NW documents

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest, with plans offered in Clark and Cowlitz counties in Washington and select counties in Oregon.

Evidence of Coverage

Non-Medicare retiree plan



Medicare retiree plan



Summary of Benefits and Coverage

Non-Medicare retiree plans



Preauthorization criteria

Kaiser Permanente NW preauthorization requirements

These criteria do not imply or guarantee approval. Please check with your plan to ensure coverage. Preauthorization requirements are only valid for the month published. They may have changed from previous months and may change in future months.

Kaiser Permanente WA documents

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington.

Evidence of Coverage

Non-Medicare retiree plans



Medicare retiree plans



Summaries of Benefits and Coverage

Non-Medicare retiree plans



Preauthorization criteria

These criteria do not imply or guarantee approval. Please check with your plan to ensure coverage. Preauthorization requirements are only valid for the month published. They may have changed from previous months and may change in future months.

Premera Blue Cross documents

Outline of coverage



Uniform Medical Plan documents

Administered by Regence BlueShield and ArrayRx.

Certificates of Coverage

Non-Medicare retiree plans



Medicare retiree plan



Summary of Benefits and Coverage

Non-Medicare retiree plans



Medicare retiree plan



Preauthorization criteria

Regence preauthorization requirements (for UMP plans)

These criteria do not imply or guarantee approval. Please check with your plan to ensure coverage. Preauthorization requirements are only valid for the month published. They may have changed from previous months and may change in future months.

Washington State Rx Services preauthorization requirements (for pharmacy)

These criteria do not imply or guarantee approval. Please check with your plan to ensure coverage. Preauthorization requirements are only valid for the month published. They may have changed from previous months and may change in future months.

UnitedHealthcare (MAPD) documents

Evidence of Coverage