MetLife Vision Program
Learn about MetLife Vision.
On this page: Full benefits | Costs | Find providers | Plan option | About MetLife
Return to Vision plans and benefits: School employees | SEBB Continuation Coverage
Full benefits
The following documents—called a Certificate of Coverage (COC)—provide in-depth descriptions of the benefits for the plan.
- School employees: There are no monthly premiums for vision coverage. Your employer pays the premium.
- SEBB Continuation Coverage monthly premiums (2025)
Find providers
Use MetLife Vision's provider search.
Plan option
- MetLife Vision
Vision insurance for healthy savings — with MetLife Vision, you could enjoy discounts on eyewear and services. You also get support to live healthier. Through an exam, eye doctors are often the first to detect signs of serious problems. Caring for your eyesight is an important step to living healthier. MetLife Vision can make it easier to get the eye care you need and the eyewear you want. See the Vision plan summary.
Key features
- Large network of providers including Costco, Walmart, and Pearle Vision.
- Eye exam, including dilation and prescription for glasses, covered in full.
- Single vision, bifocal, trifocal, or lenticular lenses, covered in full.
- UV coating, polycarbonate, scratch-resistant coating, hi-index lenses, covered in full.
MetLife Vision is available in Washington and nationwide.
About MetLife Vision
On March 24, 1868, a company dedicated to providing working-class Americans with financial protection opened its doors for business. Since then, MetLife has helped generations of customers around the world protect their property, finances, family, and future. But for us, it's never been enough just to sell somebody an insurance policy. We aim to help our customers and partners navigate whatever changes life may bring.