WAC 182-513-1655 Tailored Supports for Older Adults (TSOA) - Renewals.

WAC 182-513-1655 Tailored supports for older adults (TSOA) — Renewals.

Effective July 1, 2017

  1. A person who receives tailored supports for older adults (TSOA) services must complete a renewal of all eligibility factors for the program at least every twelve months.
  2. Forty-five days prior to the end of the certification period, notice is sent with the HCA 18-008 application for TSOA form. Complete the TSOA renewal in any of the following ways:
    1. Complete the TSOA application form, sign it, and mail it to P.O. Box 45826, Olympia, WA 98605 by the due date on the letter;
    2. Complete the TSOA application form, sign it, and fax it to 1-855-635-8305 by the due date on the letter;
    3. Renew online at Washington connection at https://www.washingtonconnection.org by the due date on the letter; or
    4. Call your local home and community services office at the telephone number on the letter by the due date on the letter.
  3. During the renewal process, the medicaid agency or the agency's designee reviews all eligibility factors to determine ongoing eligibility for TSOA, and may request additional verification of eligibility factors under WAC 182-503-0050 if unable to verify information through existing data sources. If additional information is needed, the agency or the agency's designee sends written notice under WAC 182-518-0015.
  4. If the agency or the agency's designee is unable to complete the renewal or determine eligibility for TSOA beyond the certification period, prior to ending eligibility for TSOA, the agency or the agency's designee sends a written termination notice as described in WAC 182-518-0025.
  5. A person who is terminated from TSOA for failure to renew has thirty days from the termination date to submit a completed renewal. If still eligible, TSOA is reopened without a break in eligibility.
  6. Equal access services as described in WAC 182-503-0120 are provided for anyone who needs help meeting the requirements of this section.
  7. Anyone who disagrees with an action regarding TSOA eligibility may ask for a hearing under chapter 182-526 WAC.

This is a reprint of the official rule as published by the Office of the Code Reviser. If there are previous versions of this rule, they can be found using the Legislative Search page.