WAC 182-505-0250 Washington apple health -- MAGI-based adult medical.
Effective August 29, 2014.
- Effective on or after January 1, 2014, a person is eligible for Washington apple health (WAH) modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)-based adult coverage when he or she meets the following requirements:
- Is age nineteen or older and under the age of sixty-five;
- Is not entitled to, or enrolled in, medicare benefits under Part A or B of Title XVIII of the Social Security Act;
- Is not otherwise eligible for and enrolled in mandatory coverage under one of the following programs:
- WAH SSI-related categorically needy (CN);
- WAH foster care program; or
- WAH adoption support program;
- Meets citizenship and immigration status requirements described in WAC 182-503-0535;
- Meets general eligibility requirements described in WAC 182-503-0505; and
- Has net countable income that is at or below one hundred thirty-three percent of the federal poverty level for a household of the applicable size.
- Parents or caretaker relatives of an eligible dependent child as described in WAC 182-503-0565 are first considered for WAH for families as described in WAC 182-505-0240. A person whose countable income exceeds the standard to qualify for family coverage is considered for coverage under this section.
- Persons who are eligible under this section are eligible for WAH alternative benefit plan as defined in WAC 182-500-0010 coverage. A person described in this section is not eligible for medically needy WAH.
- Other coverage options for adults not eligible under this section are described in WAC 182-508-0001.