Department of Corrections (DOC)

The Department of Corrections (DOC) provides outreach and application assistance services to Washington State incarcerated individuals within 90 calendar days upon their release with no or inadequate medical coverage. DOC will also help these individuals apply for Medicaid program services, explain benefits, and help guide them to the appropriate covered services. The intent is to provide continuity of care for incarcerated individuals upon reentry into the community.

DOC eligibility

DOC is eligible for partial reimbursement for the time their staff spend performing Medicaid administrative activities.

Eligible activities

  • Informing Washington State incarcerated individuals about the Medicaid program by providing information about benefits and assisting them with the application process.
  • Assisting incarcerated individuals in completing and submitting the Medicaid application for Medicaid eligibility determination, or referring them to online resources to apply.
  • Improving the application process for Medicaid covered services.

DOCs participating staff are 100 percent dedicated to outreach and/or application assistance activities. They will use a tracking log to document activity type, time allocation, and number of applications processed for Incarcerated Individuals. This serves as backup documentation for the quarterly claim of staff expenses.

Federal funds are available through the Health Care Authority's (HCA) Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) program to reimburse government agencies for a portion of the cost of their allowable Medicaid administrative activities, when those activities support provision of services as outlined in the Washington State Medicaid Plan.

Billing guidelines and required documents

DOC will calculate and submit a quarterly claim report to HCA within 120 business days from the end of the quarter on an A19-1A template provided by the HCA, along with the Certified Public Expenditures (CPE) form, with all supporting documentation for reimbursement.

State fiscal year (SFY) billing quarters:

  • Quarter 1 (Q1):  July - September
  • Quarter 2 (Q2):  October - December
  • Quarter 3 (Q3):  January - March
  • Quarter 4 (Q4):  April - June

DOC will send HCA any state and/or federal audit reports findings and corrective action plans that relate to the MAC program, within 30 business days of receiving the report.

At the beginning of each fiscal year, DOC will certify that participating positions are 100 percent dedicated to Medicaid allocable activities.

Training materials and time log

DOC ensures participating employees have completed the required MAC program training.




Email: Jon Brogger
Medical Assistance Program Manager
Innovative and Strategic Federal Reimbursement
Community Services Section
Medicaid Programs Division (MPD)

Department of Correction (DOC)
 Kim Kennard, CCS-P

Health Services Medical Disbursement Unit
Washington State DOC Health Plan