Willamette Dental Group of Washington, Inc.

Learn about the Willamette Dental Plan.

On this page: Full benefits | Costs | Find providers | Plan option | About Willamette Dental
Return to Dental plans and benefits: Retirees | PEBB Continuation Coverage


Full benefits

The following document—called a Certificate of Coverage (COC)—provide in-depth descriptions of the benefits for the plan.



Find providers

Visit Willamette Dental's website to find a location.

Check with your dental provider to see if they are in the plan's network and group number. Make sure you correctly identify your dental plan's network and group number. You can call the dentist, the dental plan's customer service, or use the dental plan's online directory.

Plan option

Willamette Dental Plan

Willamette Dental Group is a managed-care plan. You must select and receive care from a primary care dental provider in that plan’s network. View the benefit summary or watch a recorded presentation.

Annual costs

No deductible or annual out-of-pocket limit.

Key features

  • Exclusive provider network.
  • Predictable out-of-pocket costs.
  • Extended hours and easy appointment scheduling.

Available counties

Willamette Dental Group’s offices are in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Find a location.

About Willamette Dental Group

Willamette Dental insurance plan is a managed-care option that focuses on quality care based on compassion, health, innovation, and integrity. Willamette Dental Group is a privately owned, multispecialty group dental practice in the Northwest that combines oral care and dental insurance. They combine a rich benefit structure with low premiums, delivered exclusively by its own providers in all 50 Willamette Dental offices in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

They believe dental insurance should be simple so they’ve eliminated the guessing game. They blend preventive dental care with broad insurance coverage, making it affordable, with no annual maximums or deductibles.