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Information for all employers regarding the premium surcharges associated with enrolling in a School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) medical plan.
The Legislature requires two premium surcharges that employees will pay for, if applicable, in addition to their monthly medical plan premium (WAC 182-30-050):
A monthly $25 surcharge will be added, in addition to an employee's medical premium, if the employee or any dependent(s), age 13 and older and enrolled in SEBB medical, uses a tobacco product.
"Tobacco use" means any use of tobacco products within the past two months. It does not include the religious or ceremonial use of tobacco. Learn more about tobacco use and what tobacco products apply on the School employees website.
Employees are not required to attest (respond) to the tobacco use surcharge if SEBB medical is waived or for dependents who are under age 13.
Employees enrolling in a SEBB Medical plan must attest (respond) to the tobacco use surcharge for themselves and any dependent(s), age 13 and older who are also being enrolled in the employee's medical plan, during the required time frames:
Employees attest to the tobacco use surcharge using Benefits 24/7 or the appropriate School Employee Enrollment form. To attest, they’ll need to select Yes or No for themselves and each dependent enrolled in SEBB medical who is age 13 or older.
Employees enrolled in SEBB medical who do not attest (respond) to their tobacco use and their dependent's tobacco use (if applicable) within the required time frame, will default to incur the $25 premium surcharge in addition to their medical plan premium.
Employees may change their or their dependent’s tobacco use attestation at any time throughout the year if:
Employees must change their or their dependent’s tobacco use attestation when:
Employees may reattest to their tobacco use at any time throughout the year by:
Changes that result in incurring the tobacco use surcharge are effective the first of the month following the status change. If the status change occurs on the first of the month, the change begins that day.
Changes that result in removal of the tobacco use surcharge are effective the first of the month following receipt of the form. If the form is received on the first day of the month, the change begins that day.
A monthly $50 surcharge will be added, in addition to an employee's medical premium, if:
Employees are not required to attest (respond) to the surcharge if they are not enrolling a spouse/SRDP in their SEBB medical coverage.
All employees who enroll a spouse/SRDP in their SEBB medical plan must attest during the required time frames:
Employees attest to the spousal surcharge using Benefits 24/7 or the appropriate School Employee Enrollment form. Benefits administrators (BAs) may need to assist employees in determining if the spousal surcharge applies.
The Spousal Plan Calculator is designed to assist in determining if the surcharge applies.
To download and edit the Spousal Plan Calculator:
To edit the Spousal Plan Calculator in your web browser:
The Spousal Plan Calculator is updated annually. Please remember to download the calculator each year to ensure you are using the correct version.
Employees who enroll their spouse/SRDP in a SEBB medical plan, but do not attest within the required time frame, will default to incur the $50 premium surcharge in addition to their medical plan premium.
Employees may reattest during annual open enrollment (OE) (November 1-30). However, some employees may be required to reattest during OE.
Employees must reattest no later than 60 days after their spouse or SRDP’s employer-based group medical status changes.
Changes made outside of annual open enrollment (OE) that result in:
Changes made during annual OE are effective January 1 of the following year.
If an employee is required to reattest during annual open enrollment (OE), the SEBB Program will notify the employee by mailing:
Employees will have the following time frames to reattest:
Employees who are required to reattest during annual OE, but do not do so by December 31, are automatically defaulted to incur the $50 monthly premium surcharge, effective January 1 of the following year.
The SEBB Program provides access to a Spousal Re-attestation for an Organization report for BAs in Benefits 24/7, to help BAs determine which employees are required to reattest during annual open enrollment.
The Spousal Re-attestation for an Organization report can be accessed using the "Reports" tile in Benefits 24/7 at any time throughout the year. However, the report will not reflect the employees who are required to reattest for the upcoming year until the start of annual open enrollment. You can either view the report in Benefits 24/7 or download it in Excel format.