SEBB benefits administrators

Pictogram of person standing at a counter with a person behind the counter helping


Find eligibility worksheets and other resources you need to successfully determine employee and dependent eligibility for School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) benefits.

Learn about eligibility and find resources.
Pictogram of person with briefcase walking to building


Find resources you need to successfully process School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) enrollments and appeals, and correct enrollment errors.

You can also find information about SEBB Continuation Coverage and PEBB retiree insurance.

Learn about the enrollment process.
Pictogram of person holding an umbrella above their head

SEBB benefits

The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program offers a variety of benefits including medical, dental, vision, life and AD&D insurance, LTD insurance, FSAs, and DCAP.

Learn about each of the benefits offered by the SEBB Program and your role in administering them.

Explore SEBB benefits.
Pictogram of person holding a lifesize wrench

Administrative tools and resources

Find enrollment system manuals and resources, accounting manuals, SEBB Program rates, FAQs, and other resources to assist you with successfully administering SEBB benefits.

Find tools and resources to help you administer benefits.
Pictogram of person at lecturn pointing with pointer at screen behind them

Training resources

Find resources for new benefits administrators, register for training, access training materials, and view recordings of past trainings.

Get the training you need as a benefits administrator.