WAC 182-509-0360 MAGI income -- How the income of a child age eighteen or younger or a tax dependent is counted.
WAC 182-509-0360 MAGI income -- How the income of a child age eighteen or younger or a tax dependent is counted.
Effective January 21, 2017
The medicaid agency determines what income is counted when determining eligibility for modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)-based Washington apple health under WAC 182-509-0300
- When determining countable income for persons described in subsections (2) through (4) of this section, the countable income of a child age eighteen or younger or of a tax dependent is included only when it meets the threshold required for tax filing under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 6012 (a) (1). For purposes of this section, countable income of a child or tax dependent does not include Social Security dependent benefits.
- Determining countable income of a tax filer. The countable income of a tax filer includes the countable income of each member in the tax filer's medical assistance unit (MAU) under WAC 182-506-0012 (1).
- Determining countable income of a tax dependent. The countable income of a tax dependent includes the countable income of each member in the tax dependent's MAU under WAC 182-506-0012 (2).
- Determining countable income of a nonfiler. The countable income of a nonfiler, including a person considered a nonfiler under WAC 182-506-0012 (2) (b) (ii), includes the countable income of each member in the nonfiler's MAU under WAC 182-506-0012 (3).
This is a reprint of the official rule as published by the Office of the Code Reviser. If there are previous versions of this rule, they can be found using the Legislative Search page.