Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy for autism
Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy is a specialized intervention for children with autism and is proposed as an effective program. However, there is a very limited, but growing body of literature on the efficacy of ABA and other interventions designed to improve core deficits associated with autism.
Status: Decision completed
Why is ABA being reviewed?
The therapy is not widely associated with safety concerns, though this should be confirmed. It is important to attempt to identify and define medically appropriate evidence-based interventions for children with autism. For ABA, important questions center on whether ABA therapy is efficacious to treat clinically important patient health outcomes, which patients benefit or benefit the most; what are the costs and whether the treatment is cost effective.
Primary criteria ranking
- Safety = Low
- Efficacy = High
- Cost = High
Type | Materials |
Assessment (2011) |
Assessment timeline
- HTCC public meeting: June 17, 2011