Upright / positional MRI

Upright/positional magnetic resonance imaging (uMRI) is a diagnostic imaging technology that permits multiple positions and weight bearing images.

Upright/positional magnetic resonance imaging (uMRI) was first reviewed by the HTA program in 2007.

  • In 2012, a review of uMRI medical literature was conducted to determine if newly available evidence published since 2007 was likely to change the original coverage decision. The technology was not selected for rereview.

Status: Decision completed

Why is uMRI being reviewed?

There is high concern over diagnostic accuracy leading to poor or worse diagnosis and inappropriate care, especially compared with traditional MRI technology. Imaging technology utilization is standard for multiple, common conditions including shoulder, knee, and spinal injuries and pain.

Primary criteria ranking

  • Safety = Medium
  • Efficacy = High
  • Cost = Medium


Type Materials
Update literature (2024)
Update literature (2012)
Assessment (2007)