Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)

The Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) program model provides comprehensive services and support to eligible children and youth in Washington. Data reports related to WISe are publicly available on this page.

Current reports

Behavioral health assessment solution (BHAS) quarterly trends reports

Behavioral health assessment solution (BHAS) quarterly trend reports show aggregated and de-identified outcomes and encounter data entered from the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessments entered for all youth requesting a screen for and receiving WISe services.

Quarter 4, 2024

By region

Quarterly cumulative reports


WISe quality review improvement tool (QIRT) reports

Washington Quality Improvement Review Tool (QIRT) Reports show the results of a review of clinical records from WISe providers across the state, to understand the practices used by different practitioners at each critical decision point in care, and how those practices impact child, youth, and family outcomes.

T.R. Settlement information

T.R settlement informational reports are an annual update to the court, Plaintiffs Council, and is posted for public review. These reports provide an update of the current status of the T.R. Settlement Agreement including accomplishments and remaining tasks in the implementation of WISe.

Yearly implementation status reports

Past reports

WISe dashboard reports

WISe dashboard reports show demographics (age, gender, etc.) and regional location of youth screened for WISe services, as well as outcomes of WISe services measured by the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) and WISe implementation progress.










Screening reports

WISe screening reports show the sources of referrals to WISe.

Service characteristics reports

WISe service characteristics show the services (individual treatment, care coordination, etc.) provided in each region as well as the state overall. In addition, there is information related to the location of services, type of service, as well as other information about WISe services.

WISe quality review improvement tool (QIRT) reports

Washington Quality Improvement Review Tool (QIRT) reports show the results of a review of clinical records from WISe providers across the state, to understand the practices used by different practitioners at each critical decision point in care, and how those practices impact child, youth, and family outcomes.

T.R. Settlement informational reports

T.R settlement informational reports are an annual update to the court, Plaintiffs Council, and is posted for public review. These reports provide and update of the current status of the T.R. Settlement Agreement including accomplishments and remaining tasks in the implementation of WISe.

WISe participant and caregiver survey

WISe Participant and Caregiver Survey reports show results of a survey of WISe youth participants and their caregivers on their engagement in WISe and experience in the program.