Tracking success
An important part of HCA’s value-based purchasing (VBP) strategy is to determine health care provider and health plan participation in VBP arrangements. HCA gathers this information from multiple sources, including two annual surveys to track provider and plan (payer) progress toward our paying for health and value goal.
Paying for Value survey results
- Survey results, which includes more context on the figure below.
- Executive summary
State-financed health care by APM category over time, 2018-2022
Alternative payment (APM) categories align with the HCP-LAN APM Framework. Models in Category 2C are also called pay-for-performance. Category 3A models are APMs with shared savings. Category 3B models are APMs with shared savings and downside risk. Category 4 models are population-based payments.
- Chart long description: State-financed health care by APM category over time.
This bar chart from the 2023 Paying for Value Survey shows the percentage of state-financed health care (Medicaid managed care and PEBB and SEBB) over 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. There are four bars for Medicaid managed care and four bars for PEBB and SEBB together. Each bar has percentages of APM Categories 2C, 3A, 3B, 4A/4B/4C, and non-VBP that add up to 100%.
Medicaid managed care
For Medicaid managed care, VBP care (Categories 2C, 3A, 3B, and 4A/4B/4C) was:
- 66% in 2018
- 77% in 2019
- 82% in 2020
- 85% in 2021
In 2018, Medicaid managed care was:
- 34% non-VBP
- 7% Category 2C
- 42% Category 3A
- 15% Category 3B
- 2% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2019, Medicaid managed care was:
- 23% non-VBP
- 10% Category 2C
- 45% Category 3A
- 20% Category 3B
- 2% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2020, Medicaid managed care was:
- 18% non-VBP
- 12% Category 2C
- 49% Category 3A
- 19% Category 3B
- 2% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2021, Medicaid managed care was:
- 15% non-VBP
- 13% Category 2C
- 51% Category 3A
- 19% Category 3B
- 2% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2022, Medicaid managed care was:
- 17% non-VBP
- 12% Category 2C
- 49% Category 3A
- 20% Category 3B
- 2% Category 4A/4B/4C
For PEBB and SEBB, VBP-based care (Categories 2C, 3A, 3B, and 4A/4B/4C) was:
- 30% in 2018
- 38% in 2019
- 71% in 2020
- 79% in 2021
In 2018, PEBB and SEBB care was:
- 70% non-VBP
- 4% Category 2C
- 0% Category 3A
- 8% Category 3B
- 17% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2019, PEBB and SEBB care was:
- 62% non-VBP
- 20% Category 2C
- 0% Category 3A
- 9% Category 3B
- 9% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2020, PEBB and SEBB care was:
- 29% non-VBP
- 18% Category 2C
- 18% Category 3A
- 25% Category 3B
- 11% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2021, PEBB and SEBB care was:
- 21% non-VBP
- 12% Category 2C
- 29% Category 3A
- 28% Category 3B
- 10% Category 4A/4B/4C
In 2022, PEBB and SEBB care was:
- 29% non-VBP
- 11% Category 2C
- 26% Category 3A
- 24% Category 3B
- 10% Category 4A/4B/4C
Paying for Value surveys
Each year, HCA issues Paying for Value surveys to health plans (payers) and health care providers to understand participation in VBP and track progress toward our VBP adoption goals.
The surveys include questions about:
- Barriers and enablers to VBP adoption
- Types of providers engaged in VBP
- How health equity is incorporated into VBP contracts
- Ways HCA can improve current and future VBP initiatives
Measuring VBP adoption and related barriers and enablers helps HCA find ways to improve current and future initiatives. This includes alternative payment models, health plan contracts, our VBP Roadmap, and more.
2023 survey
- 2023 survey for payers/plans (Excel)
2022 survey
- 2022 survey for payers/plans (Excel)
Note: Due to overlap with other HCA-sponsored surveys during the same time, HCA did not conduct a Paying for Value survey for health care providers in 2022.