Forms & publications

UMP (PPS) Prescription drug mail-order form

This form is to order prescription drugs from the UMP network mail-order pharmacy, Postal Prescription Services (PPS), which is a member of Washington State Rx Services (WSRxS).

UMP (Regence) Medical appeals and grievance form

This form may be included in an appeal or complaint, but is not required. It helps the member include all the necessary information for an appeal or complaint, and it includes the address and fax number where they should be submitted.

UMP (Regence) Medical incident report

This form is to report to Regence if an injury or illness may be covered under a third party. You may need to use this form even if the incident is not subject to third party coverage.

UMP (Regence) Medical Preferred Drug List

This document is the Medical Preferred Drug List (PDL) for the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP). It lists prescription drugs covered by UMP under the medical benefit administered by Regence. This list applies to both PEBB and SEBB.