Long-term disability

The Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program provides long-term disability (LTD) benefits for all SEBB organizations.

The Standard Insurance Company processes claims and provides customer service for these benefits.

Access LTD resources, including the option to file a claim online.

Newly eligible SEBB employees will be automatically enrolled in employee-paid LTD insurance at the 60 percent coverage level. Employees can elect a 50 percent coverage level or decline the employee-paid benefit at any time in Benefits 24/7. A 90-day benefit waiting period will apply to both the 60 percent and 50 percent coverage levels.

The monthly employee-paid LTD premium is based on the elected coverage level (either 60 percent or 50 percent), the employee's age, and their monthly predisability earnings (base pay).

The employer-paid monthly LTD rate for 2024-25 school year

The employer-paid monthly LTD rate of $2.10 will remain the same for the 2024-25 plan year.

Employees who decide to enroll in or increase coverage outside of their 31-day eligibility window will have to complete and submit the Long-Term Disability Enrollment/Change form to their benefits administrator (BA) for processing in Benefits 24/7 and the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form to The Standard Insurance Company for approval. BAs will keep the enrollment form and await Standard’s EOI decision before enrolling the employee in Benefits 24/7.

The maximum monthly benefit for employee-paid LTD is $10,000, which would be based on a monthly salary of $16,667. BAs should ensure that they are not calculating the premium on a monthly salary that is more than $16,667.

To learn more, review the LTD FAQ for Benefits Administrators and visit the Long-term disability insurance page for school employees.

Why employees might need supplemental LTD insurance coverage

  • The SEBB basic (employer-paid) LTD benefit pays only a maximum benefit of $400 a month. Employees must enroll in the supplemental LTD insurance to receive the higher maximum monthly benefit up to $10,000, based on their salary.
  • Consider whether they could meet their financial commitments if they were unable to work for an extended time due to an illness or injury. LTD insurance will help them pay for things such as groceries, bills, rent/mortgage, family care, and other living expenses.
  • Disabilities are more common than we think. According to the Social Security Administration, more than 25 percent of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled sometime during their career. Unexpected illness or accidents can happen to anyone, even young, healthy adults. Supplemental LTD insurance will help protect your savings, retirement plans, and overall financial health if you become disabled.

Employees should check out The Standard's decision support tool to find out how much supplemental LTD insurance is right for them.

LTD forms and publications

Enrolling in supplemental LTD after 31 days of becoming eligible for SEBB benefits

Employee-paid LTD billing administration

The Standard will provide support for employee-paid LTD plan billing administration.

SEBB organizations are responsible for maintaining all records, including:

  • Employees covered under the plan
  • Amounts of insurance in force
  • Calculating total amount due each month
  • Premium is due to The Standard the first day of each calendar month

The Standards employer portal


Outreach and Training
Benefits administrators contact O&T for eligibility, enrollment, or billing related questions.
HCA Support

Billing-related inquiries and remittance can be directed to:
Cindy Bofinger (primary billing contact)

Contact the Standard Insurance Company for LTD claims processing
The Standard Insurance Company Employee Benefits
PO Box 2800 Portland, OR 97208-2800
Fax: 1-971-321-8400
The Standard Insurance Company for employees