Crisis Response Improvement Strategy (CRIS) committees

In 2021, the Washington State Legislature passed HB 1477, establishing the Crisis Response Improvement Strategy (CRIS) Committee and Steering Committee. These committees will develop recommendations to support implementation of the national 988 suicide prevention hotline and the statewide improvement of behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention services.

Learn more about this work. Register to receive CRIS committee announcements.

Crisis response improvement strategy overview

The Washington State Legislature passed House Bill 1477 which directs the Health Care Authority (HCA), the Department of Health (DOH), and the Behavioral Health Institute (BHI) at Harborview Medical Center to create the Crisis Response Improvement Strategy (CRIS) Committee and Steering Committee. Both committees include legislatures, providers, consumers, and partner agencies.

Read more about the committee members.

Meeting schedule and materials

Learn about public comments at CRIS meetings.


CRIS Committee


How to join

Meeting materials

December 2024 




Steering Committee


How to join

Meeting materials

Monday, December 16

10 to 11 a.m.

Join the meeting

In-person option: There is an in-person option to access the Zoom for this meeting. Please join us at the Pat Steel Building, 325 9th Ave Seattle, WA 98122, Conference room PS 5030 (5th floor). 

Lived Experience Subcommittee
Date How to join Meeting materials

There are no meetings scheduled at this time.



    Past meetings




    Meeting materials

    Lived Experience Subcommittee  Monday, December 9 

    Meeting focus: This meeting focused on the future of the Lived Experience Subcommittee and discussion about future meetings in 2025. 

    CRIS Committee  Wednesday, November 13

    Meeting focus: This meeting focused on feedback on the draft Committee final report as well as discussing future plans for the CRIS in 2025.

    Lived Experience Subcommittee  Tuesday, November 12

    Tribal listening session 

    Monday, November 4 
    Lived Experience Subcommittee  Tuesday, October 15 

    Meeting focus: This meeting focused on the Lived Experience Stories Project, development of final CRIS Committee recommendations, and discussion of the Subcommittee's ideas for continued Lived Experience engagement in efforts to improve Washington's behavioral health crisis response. 

    Lived Experience Subcommittee  Monday, September 9

    Meeting focus: This meeting focused on plans for the CRIS Committee in 2025, 988 Geo-routing implementation plans, and updates on the Lived Experience Stories Project.

    CRIS Committee  Tuesday, September 24 
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, August 12
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, July 8

    Meeting focus: This meeting focused on updates from the June 2024 CRIS Committee meeting and HCA Bed Registry Discovery Session.

    CRIS Committee Tuesday, July 16

    This meeting focused on learning about crisis work in Indian Country, as well as discussing cross system collaborations.

    CRIS Committee Tuesday, June 18

    This meeting focused on learning about specific needs of and programs for youth and transitional-age youth experiencing a behavioral health crisis, as well as recommendations on which system expansions and improvements will best serve youth.

    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, June 10

    This meeting continued the discussion of ways to elevate lived experience voices to improve Washington's behavioral health crisis system, as well as focused on updates from HCA, the CRIS Stories Project, and a discussion on Substance use disorder (SUD).

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    Monday, May 13

    Meeting focus: This meeting continued the discussion of ways to elevate lived experience voices to improve Washington's behavioral health crisis system, as well as focused on opportunities available in the community for our Lived Experience members to become more involved.

    CRIS Committee Thursday, April 18

    Meeting focus: This meeting focused on identifying remaining gaps in the discussion of system performance metrics, specifically considerations for individuals with substance use disorder and rural and agricultural communities.

    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, April 8
    CRIS Committee Thursday, March 28
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, March 11

    Meeting focus: Continuing discussion of ways to elevate lived experience voices to improve Washington’s behavioral health crisis system, as well as highlighting behavioral health crisis bills in the 2024 legislative session and providing an update on the CRIS February 2024 meeting.

    CRIS Committee Tuesday, February 27

    Meeting focus: Articulating a future state of performance metrics for the crisis response system.

    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, February 12

    Meeting focus: Continue the discussion of ways to elevate lived experience voices to improve Washington’s behavioral health crisis system, as well as highlight behavioral health crisis bills in the 2024 legislative session and provide an update on the CRIS January 2024 meeting.


    CRIS Committee

    Wednesday, January 31
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, January 22

    Meeting focus: Key behavioral health crisis bills for the 2024 legislative session, state agency crisis system improvement focus areas, and discussion of ways to elevate lived experience voices to improve Washington’s behavioral health crisis system.




    Meeting materials

    Steering Committee Monday, December 18
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, December 11
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, November 13
    CRIS Committee

    Tuesday, November 7



    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, October 16
    CRIS Committee Tuesday, September 19
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, August 14
    CRIS Committee Monday, July 17
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, July 10
    CRIS Committee Tuesday, June 20
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, June 12
    Steering Committee Tuesday, June 6
    CRIS Committee Tuesday, May 16
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, May 8
    CRIS Committee Wednesday, April 26
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, April 10
    CRIS Committee Wednesday, March 22
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, March 13
    CRIS Committee Wednesday, February 15
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Monday, February 13
    Lived Experience Subcommittee Tuesday, January 3 Meeting focus: Opportunity for individuals and families with lived experience to share behavioral health crisis system perspectives and priorities directly with Washington Legislators. In addition to Sen. Dhingra, Sen. Warnick, Rep. Orwall, and Rep. Dent who are on the 988 CRIS committee, many other legislators on both sides of the aisle were at this meeting to listen to feedback.



    Meeting materials

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    Wednesday, December 21

    Meeting focus: Reflecting on 988 in Washington in 2022
    Steering Committee

    Thursday, December 15

    CRIS Committee

    Tuesday, December 13

    CRIS Committee

    Tuesday, November 15

    Steering Committee

    Tuesday, October 25

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    Monday, September 26

    CRIS Committee

    Tuesday, September 20

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    Monday, August 15

    Steering Committee

    Wednesday, July 20

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    Wednesday, July 13

    CRIS Committee

    Tuesday, July 12

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    Tuesday, June 7

    Steering Committee

    Thursday, May 19

    CRIS Committee

    Tuesday, May 10

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    Monday, April 18

    Steering Committee

    March 24

    Lived Experience Subcommittee

    March 21

    CRIS Committee

    March 15

    Steering Committee

    February 10

    CRIS Committee

    February 1


    CRIS Committee

    Steering Committee


    Name of meeting


    Meeting materials

    All-subcommittee kickoff

    December 2

    Committee members

    CRIS Committee and Steering Committee

    Members represent a diverse range of perspectives and serve in committee seats outlined by HB 1477. View the CRIS Committee and Steering Committee roster.

    CRIS subcommittees

    The Steering Committee formed seven CRIS subcommittees:

    • Credentialing and Training Subcommittee
    • Technology Subcommittee
    • Cross-System Crisis Response Subcommittee
    • Confidential Information Compliance and Coordination
    • Rural and Agricultural Communities
    • Lived Experience (open to all individuals and families with lived experience; subcommittee will not be limited in size)
    • Tribal 988 Subcommittee (facilitated through the Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board)

    Subcommittees will help support implementation of the new 9-8-8 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and help develop recommendations for an integrated behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention system in Washington. The CRIS Steering Committee selected subcommittee members for their diverse community perspectives and professional expertise.

    For information about subcommittee work, please see the HB 1477 2023 Subcommittee report.

    View the 2022 HB 1477 Subcommittee report.

    Lived Experience Stories Project

    The Lived Experience subcommittee of the CRIS Committee has launched the CRIS Lived Experience Stories Project – a project aimed to elevate stories and perspectives of people across Washington state who have accessed behavioral health crisis services for themselves or someone else. These shared stories will be brought into the work of the CRIS and integrate what has been learned into recommendations for improving the state behavioral health crisis system.

    Public comment

    All CRIS Committee and Steering Committee meetings are public meetings. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to share input. All public comments, whether submitted during or outside of committee meetings, will be considered by CRIS Committee and Steering Committee members.

    How do I make a public comment?

    There is an opportunity at each CRIS and Steering Committee meeting to share comments, and members of the public who wish to do so can email Nicola Pinson, by noon one business day before the meeting. In addition, if you would like to submit a written comment, please email HCA Program 1477.

    Reports and documentation

    Legislative reports

    January 1, 2022: First legislative progress report, including result of a comprehensive assessment of the current behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention services system, and preliminary recommendations related to funding of crisis response services from the Statewide 988 Behavioral Health Crisis Response and Suicide Prevention Line Account (Account).

    January 1, 2023: Second legislative progress report

    January 1, 2024: Third legislative progress report, including recommendations in 13+ areas outlined by the legislation.

    Federal and State legislation
    HCA / DOH reports

    HCA reports

    DOH documents

    DOH/Vibrant technical details

    DOH presentations


    Committee charters

    Review the CRIS Committee charter and CRIS Steering Committee charter to learn more about their charge, roles and responsibilities, meeting guidelines, and more.
