SmartHealth for SEBB

This webpage helps our member employers in the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program promote SmartHealth.

Not finding what you're looking for?

Are you an employee looking for SmartHealth details? Go to either: SmartHealth (SEBB) or SmartHealth (PEBB). Are you a PEBB employer looking for SmartHealth support? Go to SmartHealth for PEBB.

Why SmartHealth?

Here are three reasons why SmartHealth helps you support the well-being of both your staff and employer:

  • Engage staff online.
  • Easy access to useful data.
  • Offer rewards without a budget.

Learn more by watching the SmartHealth Overview video.

How do I get started?

  1. See Accessing SmartHealth for step-by-step instructions for logging into SmartHealth.
  2. Log into SmartHealth.
  3. Use our ready-to-use resources to encourage employees to participate. Go to the How do I promote SmartHealth section of this webpage.

Where can our staff or I learn more?

Go to SmartHealth (SEBB) to learn about the rules, deadlines, and more.

How do I promote SmartHealth?

Share our ready-to-use resources

SmartHealth toolkits


SmartHealth support


Email: Washington Wellness
Phone: 360-725-1700

Need help with SmartHealth?
Online: Contact SmartHealth
Phone: 1-800-947-9541
Hours: Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Pacific)

Need help with Secure Access Washington (SAW)?
Click the Get Help button on the SAW website at