Does Benefits 24/7 work for people who are visually impaired?

Yes, Benefits 24/7 follows the Americans with Disabilities Rehabilitation Act (ADA) Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. This includes making the system friendly for screen readers to read textual information.

Does SEBB coverage meet the affordability requirement under the Affordable Care Act?

Yes, the SEBB Program meets the affordability requirements.

Does the district determine the termination date based on an employee’s contract? For example, if a teacher terminates their job at the end of the school year in June, they currently get benefits through September. Will that remain up to the district?

If an employee terminates their employment with the district, charter school, or ESD during the school year, their benefits will end based on the termination date. If an employee gives the district an August termination date, their benefits would continue through the end of the school year (August 31). If they terminate with a June date, their benefits would end June 30. See more about when benefits end.

Does the SEBB Program have any authority over retirement benefits?

No. The SEBB Program does not have authority over contributions made to pensions or any form of retirement accounts.


Does the tobacco use premium surcharge attestation default to “Yes” in Benefits 24/7?

Yes. If employees who are enrolling in a SEBB medical plan do not attest to the tobacco use premium surcharge during enrollment or if they attest that they or their enrolled dependents use tobacco, they will be charged a monthly $25-per-account premium surcharge in addition to their monthly medical premium.

Has there been consideration of adopting the Affordable Care Act (ACA) rules for eligibility of substitutes?

No. The ACA requirements are more restrictive than state law RCW 41.05.740 (6)(d)(ii), and the SEB Board cannot make a requirement that is more restrictive than statute.

How can BAs get help with employee questions?

Call SEBB Outreach and Training at 1-800-700-1555 or send a question via HCA Support. This phone number and email address are for benefits administrators only. Do not give it to employees.

How do benefits administrators know who has or has not been verified?

Benefit administrators can view dependent verification requests from the Benefits 24/7 dashboard or through a downloadable report.

How do current PEBB rules inform the SEB Board’s policy decisions?

The SEB Board makes policy decisions entirely separate from PEBB Program rules. However, HCA does use its understanding of various issues that it has developed in administering the PEBB Program to help inform the SEB Board in its decision-making process.