Understanding the terminology
As a benefits administrator (BA), you'll encounter the following terms while administering SEBB benefits. These terms are also found throughout the SEBB benefits administrators (SEBB BA) website.
- Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA)
- HCA is a state agency located in Washington's capital, Olympia. HCA is the largest health care purchaser in the state and serves more than 2 million Washington residents through several programs including the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program, the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program, and the Apple Health (Medicaid) program. Learn more about HCA.
- Employee and Retiree Benefits (ERB) Division
- The SEBB and PEBB Programs are administered by ERB, which is a division within the Health Care Authority (HCA).
- School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program
- The SEBB Program provides medical, vision, and dental coverage, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, long-term disability insurance, access to wellness programs, and access to discounts on auto and homeowners’ insurance to eligible employees of SEBB organizations and participating employer groups.
SEBB also a medical flexible spending arrangement (FSA), a limited purpose FSA, and a Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) to eligible school employees of SEBB organizations. Learn more about the SEBB Program.
- Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program
- The PEBB Program provides medical (with vision) and dental coverage, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, long-term disability insurance, access to wellness programs, and access to discounts on auto and homeowners’ insurance to eligible employees of state agencies, higher ed, and participating employer groups.
PEBB also provides a medical flexible spending arrangement (FSA), limited purpose FSA, and the Dependent Care Assistance Program for eligible employees of state agencies and higher ed. Learn more about the PEBB Program.
- Outreach and Training (O&T)
- O&T is the department within ERB that serves as your resource as a benefits administrator (BA) for SEBB administrative-related support, including the SEBB BA website, training, and assistance with determining employee eligibility, processing enrollment, and maintenance of employee insurance records.
Contact us through HCA Support or by phone at 1-800-700-1555.
- Benefits administrator (BA)
- BAs typically work in a payroll, HR, or benefits-related position. BAs administer SEBB benefits for the eligible employees within their organization.
- SEBB Organization
- SEBB Organization refers to a public school district, educational service district, or charter school established under chapter 28A.710 RCW, that is required to participate in benefit plans provided by the School Employees Benefits Board.
- Employer groups
- Benefits 24/7
- Benefits 24/7 is the insurance and accounting system in which employee's SEBB health benefits are currently maintained.
- HCA Support
- HCA Support is a secure, web-based messaging system that allows you, as a BA, to send documents and communicate directly with O&T, SEBB Accounting, and other departments within the SEBB Program.
Navigating the SEBB BA website
The SEBB BA website contains information and resources to assist BAs with the administration of SEBB Program benefits.
The SEBB BA website's landing webpage lists five separate sections along with a description of the type of information each section contains:
- Eligibility
- Find eligibility worksheets and other resources that BAs need to successfully determine employee and dependent eligibility for SEBB benefits.
- Enrollment
- Find resources BAs need to successfully process SEBB enrollments and appeals, and correct enrollment errors.
- SEBB benefits
- Learn about the variety of benefits offered by the SEBB Program and the role of the BA in administering them.
- Administrative tools and resources
- Access accounting manuals, Benefits 24/7 manuals, SEBB Program rates, and other resources to assist BAs with successfully administering SEBB benefits.
- Training resources
- Register for upcoming training, access training materials, and view recordings of past trainings, and find FAQs and resources for new BAs.
You'll also find a blue menu bar located near the bottom of the SEBB BA website's landing webpage, which contains links to the following resources:
- Forms and publications
- Find a list of downloadable forms and publications, including enrollment guides, forms, and resources to support the administration of SEBB benefits, and a link to order materials.
- Notices and updates
- Find a link to register to receive important SEBB Program notices and updates from O&T. You can also review any notices that have been sent in the past 12 months.
- Benefits 24/7
- HCA Support
- Register for and access the secure, web-based messaging system that allows BAs to send documents and communicate directly with O&T, SEBB Accounting, and other departments within the SEBB Program.
- Contact us
- Find links to HCA Support, the HCA Support User Guide, and other contact information available to BAs.
Register to receive notices and updates
Outreach and Training (O&T) uses the GovDelivery email service to provide you with the latest news, updates, and reminders impacting the benefits administrator (BA) role with the SEBB Program. By registering for this service, you receive notifications through your email and can opt out at any time.
Complete the following steps to register:
- Go to our notifications registration page. A new tab will open in your browser.
- Enter your email (preferably your work email) and submit.
- Complete all required questions, check the box to consent to the data privacy policy, and submit.
- Select the "PEBB Outreach and Training" topic and submit.
- Enter your full name and select the type of employer you work for; SEBB organization or SEBB employer groups and submit.
- SEBB organizations include school districts, ESDs, and charter schools.
- SEBB employer groups include tribal schools and groups representing school employees.
Once you've completed steps 1-5, you'll be registered to begin receiving notices and updates from O&T. After step five, you will have the option to register to receive notices from other programs and agencies. This is not required. You can close the browser tab at this point.
How do I update my GovDelivery subscription preferences?
- Select notifications registration page. A new tab will open in your browser.
- Enter the email address used during the registration process and submit.
- If you set a password when you registered, you will be prompted to enter your password and submit. If you cannot remember your password, select "Forgot your password?" to reset it.
- Select "subscriber preferences".
- Update your subscriptions and preferences or delete your account using the tabs near the top of the page.
Can I review past notices and updates?
Yes, you can find messages from the past 12 months on the Notices and updates webpage.
Access HCA Support
HCA Support is a secure, web-based messaging system that allows you to send documents and communicate directly with O&T, SEBB Accounting, and other departments within the SEBB Program by using the ​​​​designated tile named, "Benefits administrator inquiry".
It's important that BAs use the designated tile named, "Benefits administrator inquiry". Using the "General Support" tile will lead to a delayed response, as your inquiry will be initially routed to units at HCA that are outside of O&T.
Review the user guide for help with accessing HCA Support and submitting a request.
In some cases, BAs may need contact SEBB carriers and administrators (e.g., Health Equity, Navia, etc.) directly for assistance. Additional contacts for BAs are located on the Contact us webpage.
Review the FAQs for new BAs to learn more
The FAQS for new BAs help guide you to the information and resources you'll need to successfully administer SEBB benefits. The types of questions you'll find answers to include:
- Where can I learn about the requirements for notifying employees of their eligibility (or ineligibility) for SEBB benefits?
- Where can employees learn about SEBB benefits, eligibility, and enrollment?
- Can employees waive SEBB coverage?
- What is dual enrollment within the SEBB Program, and why isn’t it allowed?
- Where can I find the accounting manual?
Need to request training?
Contact O&T through HCA Support to request training for your role as a benefits administrator (BA) of SEBB benefits.
You can also find and register for upcoming training (when available) by visiting the Training schedule webpage and review recordings of past trainings on the Training materials and recordings webpage.