Benefits and services
Washington Apple Health has a number of benefits and services dedicated to providing health care coverage for low income residents. Covered services under Apple Health are available through managed care or coverage without a managed care plan (also referred to as fee-for-service).
Refer to the list of links below for more information on specific benefits and services:
- Abortion
- Apple Health Medicare Connect
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Behavioral health and recovery
- Breast, Cervical and Colon Health Program (BCCHP)
- Children and youth services
- Dental services
- Family Planning Only
- Health Home Program
- Hepatitis C
- Immunizations
- Interpreter services
- Long-term Services and Supports
- Medically Intensive Children's Program (MICP)
- Pharmacy services
- Pregnancy services
- Transhealth program
- Transportation services (nonemergency)
- Well-child checkups
Benefits packages by program and scope of services
Services provided under specific Apple Health programs can be viewed on the health care coverage program benefit packages and scope of service categories chart.