Boards, committees, and collaboration
The Health Care Authority (HCA) works with many types of groups that offer guidance, advice, and recommendations to HCA and for other state programs. Sometimes, these groups are formed by law and responsible for providing recommendations to other decision-making bodies, such as the Washington State Legislature.
The following are some essential boards, committees, and other collaborative groups (listed in alphabetical order) that HCA is involved with.
Behavioral health
- Behavioral Health Advisory Council
- Crisis Response Improvement Strategy (CRIS) committees
- Office of Community Voices and Empowerment (OCVE)
- Problem Gambling Task Force (PGTF)
- Substance Use Recovery Services Advisory Committee (SURSAC)
- SUD Intake, Screening, and Assessments (SUDISA) work group
- Washington Opioid Response Workgroup
Children, youth, and families
- Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group (CYBHWG)
- Family Youth System Partner Round Table (FYSPRT)
Health equity
Health technology and data
Insurance benefits and health care
- Apple Health Medicaid Advisory Committee
- The Bree Collaborative
- Eliminating hepatitis C
- Health Care Cost Transparency Board (HCCTB)
- Health Technology Clinical Committee (HTCC)
- Medicaid Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board
- NW Prescription Drug Consortium
- Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee
- Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB)
- Psilocybin Work Group
- Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB)
- School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB)
- Total Cost of Insulin Work Group
- Universal Health Care Commission